“TinySegmenter in Python” is a Python port_ by Masato Hagiwara of TinySegmenter_, which is an extremely compact Japanese tokenizer originally written in JavaScript by Mr. Taku Kudo.
The library has been finally packaged by Jehan. It resulted into this fork because Masako Hagiwara did not answer emails, and packaging patches
could therefore not be committed upstream. But this is a friendly fork, and Masako Hagiwara is welcome to take back maintainance over his
For the time being, I (Jehan) took up the maintenance, so please refer to this new website_ as being official, and
direct any new patch_ there. I will follow up on patchs and bug reports, but probably won't maintain an active development. Anyone wishing to
improve the library is welcome to participate and will be gladly given committer rights.
It works on Python 2.6 or above (works on Python 3 too).
.. _port: http://lilyx.net/tinysegmenter-in-python/
.. _TinySegmenter: http://chasen.org/~taku/software/TinySegmenter/
.. _website: http://tinysegmenter.tuxfamily.org/
See all authors and contributors in AUTHORS
Download and Installation
This library can be installed the common ways: with a setup.py, as a pip package...
file in the package for more details.
If you simply want to download the source package, refer to the pypi repository: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/tinysegmenter
Development version can be downloaded anonymously at the Git repository::
$ git clone git://git.tuxfamily.org/gitroot/tinysegmente/tinysegmenter.git
or browsed online at: http://git.tuxfamily.org/tinysegmente/tinysegmenter/
Example code for direct usage::
> import tinysegmenter
> segmenter = tinysegmenter.TinySegmenter()
> print(' | '.join(segmenter.tokenize(u"私の名前は中野です")))
私 | の | 名前 | は | 中野 | です
TinySegmenter‘s interface is compatible with NLTK
’s TokenizerI
class, although the distribution does not directly depend on NLTK.
Here is one way to use it as a tokenizer in NLTK (order of the multiple base classes matters)::
import nltk.tokenize.api
class myTinySegmenter(tinysegmenter.TinySegmenter, nltk.tokenize.api.TokenizerI):
segmenter = myTinySegmenter()
# This segmenter can be used any place which expects a NLTK's TokenizerI subclass.
For more about NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit module), see: http://nltk.org/api/nltk.tokenize.html#nltk.tokenize.api.TokenizerI
.. _patch:
Contact, Bugs and Contributing
All bug, patch, question, etc. can be sent to tinysegmenter
at zemarmot
dot net
This package is distributed under a New BSD License (see COPYING