Tracebloc package
This package is pre-requiste to run tracebloc jupyter notebook.
This package helps to create and start the experiment for training ML models in
tracebloc environment.
Deployment Steps
Pre Requisite - Make sure you have a PyPi account and have access to tracebloc-package and tracebloc-package-dev
Step 1 - Clean up:
Delete the following folders if they exist
- dist
- tracebloc_package.egg-info
- tracebloc_package_dev.egg-info
Step 2 - Update Config:
Update the following details in and commit
Step 3 - Install Requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 4 - Build:
For Dev
python sdist
For Prod/Live
python sdist --live
Step 5 - Upload:
twine upload dist/*
username: __token__
password: <your auth token>