Convenient library to plug in tracer to incoming and outgoing points and extract data from there
This package was created with Cookiecutter_ and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage
_ project template.
.. _Cookiecutter: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter
.. _audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage
: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage
v0.0.2 (2018-12-24)
- Bump version: 0.0.1 → 0.0.2 - finally tox works with all versions in
PyCharm environment - starter tests for type and constants.
- Bump version: 0.0.1 → 0.0.2.
- Refab: - entry point rename.
- Feat: - python 3.4 compatible named tuples for library options -
starter constant - tested.
- Refab: - some basic test to make 100% coverage.
- Chore: - move interpreter version requirements from Pipfile into
setup.py - turn on live log for py.test - return standard
environment names in tox setup - set interpreter location for 'py-
charm' in tox setup - fix python path passed in tox setup - edit
doc according to 2 previous items.
- Wip:
v0.0.1 (2018-12-21)
Bump version: 0.0.0 → 0.0.1 Project prepared for coding the tests.
Chore: - put into project current source to refab and test.
Chore: - changelog by git commits generation tool. [Konstantin
Docs: - short list what have been done to provide tooling.
Chore: - add make scripts for devpi - setup docs generation with
browser refresh on changes - all make commands works. [Konstantin
Feat: - add primitive test - satisfy flake8. [Konstantin
Chore: - return template dev deps.
Chore: - install bumpversion dep - move pipfile loca index example
in main file - add make script to generate requirements(_dev).txt.
Chore: - add devpi to make local repo builds - describe how to add
devpi - provide files for run test in devpi environment. [Konstantin
v0.0.0 (2018-12-20)
- Chore: - add description how to create this scaffolding - zeroed
- Chore: - initialize python envs and deps.
- Chore: - start from template.