Twisted-based python async interface for Box (box.net) API (version 2.0) <http://developers.box.com/>
Usage Example
Following script will print listing of the root box.net folder, upload
"test.txt" file there, try to find it in updated folder listing and then
remove it.
from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
from txboxdotnet.api_v2 import txBoxAPI
api = txBoxAPI(
client_secret='...', ... )
if not api.auth_code:
print '\n'.join([
'Visit the following URL in any web browser (firefox, chrome, safari, etc),',
' authorize there, confirm access permissions, and paste URL of an empty page',
' (starting with "https://success.box.com/") you will get',
' redirected to into "auth_code" value in "config" dict above.\n',
'URL to visit:\n {}'.format(api.auth_user_get_url()) ])
if re.search(r'^https?://', api.auth_code):
def do_stuff():
# Print root directory listing
print list(e['name'] for e in (yield api.listdir()))
# Upload "test.txt" file from local current directory
file_info = yield api.put('test.txt')
# Find just-uploaded "test.txt" file by name
file_id = yield api.resolve_path('test.txt')
# Check that id matches uploaded file
assert file_info['id'] == file_id
# Remove the file
yield api.delete(file_id)
do_stuff().addBoth(lambda ignored: reactor.stop())
Note that parameters passed to txBoxAPI class init above should contain
authentication data, which can/should be derived from "client_id" and
"client_secret", provided after app registration on box.net <http://www.box.net/developers/services>
Service (at least now) has quite annoying requirement that the
"auth_code" it will provide after authorizing API access request is
only valid for 30 seconds. See API auth docs <http://developers.box.com/oauth/>
__ for more info on the process.
For more complete example (including oauth2 stuff), see
api\_v2.py <https://github.com/mk-fg/txboxdotnet/blob/master/txboxdotnet/api_v2.py>
code after if __name__ == '__main__':
(will need better examples in
the future, patches welcome!).
It's a regular package for Python 2.7 (not 3.X).
Using pip <http://pip-installer.org/>
__ is the best way:
% pip install txboxdotnet
If you don't have it, use:
% easy_install pip
% pip install txboxdotnet
Alternatively (see also <http://www.pip-installer.org/en/latest/installing.html>
% curl https://raw.github.com/pypa/pip/master/contrib/get-pip.py | python
% pip install txboxdotnet
Or, if you absolutely must:
% easy_install txboxdotnet
But, you really shouldn't do that.
Current-git version can be installed like this:
% pip install 'git+https://github.com/mk-fg/txboxdotnet.git#egg=txboxdotnet'
Note that to install stuff in system-wide PATH and site-packages,
elevated privileges are often required. Use "install --user",
~/.pydistutils.cfg <http://docs.python.org/install/index.html#distutils-configuration-files>
or virtualenv <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv>
__ to do
unprivileged installs into custom paths.
- `Python 2.7 (not 3.X) <http://python.org>`__
- `Twisted <http://twistedmatrix.com>`__ (core, web, at least 12.2.0)
Implemented methods
Matrix of implemented API method wrappers (same order as in the
`docs <http://developers.box.com/docs/>`__):
- folders
- [x] list: ``listdir``
- [x] create: ``mkdir``
- [x] get info: ``info_folder``
- [ ] copy
- [x] delete: ``delete_folder``
- [ ] update info
- [ ] create shared link
- [ ] view discussions
- [ ] view collaborations
- [ ] list from trash
- [ ] info from trash
- [ ] restore from trash
- [ ] delete permanently
- files
- [x] upload: ``put``
- [x] download: ``get``
- [x] get info: ``info_file``
- [x] upload overwrite: ``put``
- [ ] upload rename
- [ ] view versions
- [ ] update info
- [x] delete: ``delete_file``
- [ ] copy
- [ ] create shared link
- [ ] view comments
- [ ] get thumbnail
- [ ] get from trash
- [ ] restore from trash
- [ ] delete permanently
- comments
- discussions
- collaborations
- users
- [x] current user info: ``info_user``
- [ ] all the rest ;)
- search
- shared items
- events
Note that these wrappers tend to be very thin, just taking python method
arguments and translating these into appropriate API keys, typically
looking somewhat like this:
def info_file(self, file_id):
return self(join('files', file_id))
Any missing methods can also be replaced by calling api object in the
same way as above, passing all the appropriate (as per docs) parameters.
My purposes are quite narrow - I use service only for file storage - so
missing sharing/collaboration wrappers are unlikely to be implemented
here without patches from someone interested in having these.