Provides a general low-code page parsing solution.
Backwards Compatibility Breaking Warning:
will not install any default parsers after version v3.0.0. You can install some of them manually ('selectolax', 'jsonpath-rw-ext', 'objectpath', 'bs4', 'toml', 'pyyaml>=5.3', 'lxml', 'jmespath'). This warning will keep 2 versions.
pip install uniparser -U
pip install uniparser[parsers]
with default 3rd parsers
- Reduced the code quantity from plenty of similar crawlers & parsers. Don't Repeat Yourself.
- Make the parsing process of different parsers persistent.
- Separating the crawler code from main app code, no need to redeploy app when adding a new crawler.
- Provide a universal solution for crawler platforms.
- Summarize common string parsing tools on the market.
- The implementation of web views is to be plug-in and portable, which means it can be mounted on other web apps as a sub_app:
app.mount("/uniparser", uniparser_app)
- Here is the low-code web UI screenshot.
Feature List
- Support most of popular parsers for HTML / XML / JSON / AnyString / Python object
Parser docs
parser list
1. css (HTML)
1. bs4
2. xml
1. lxml
3. regex
4. jsonpath
1. jsonpath-rw-ext
5. objectpath
1. objectpath
6. jmespath
1. jmespath
7. time
8. loader
1. json / yaml / toml
1. toml
2. pyyaml
9. udf
1. source code for exec & eval which named as **parse**
10. python
1. some common python methods, getitem, split, join...
11. *waiting for new ones...*
- Request args persistence, support curl-string, single-url, dict, json.
- A simple Web UI for generate & test CrawlerRule.
- Serializable JSON rule class for saving the whole parsing process.
- Each ParseRule / CrawlerRule / HostRule subclass can be json.dumps to JSON for persistence.
- Therefore, they also can be loaded from JSON string.
- Nest relation of rule names will be treat as the result format. (Rule's result will be ignore if has childs.)
- Rule Classes
- JsonSerializable is the base class for all the rules.
- dumps classmethod can dump self as a standard JSON string.
- loads classmethod can load self from a standard JSON string, which means the new object will has the methods as a rule.
- ParseRule is the lowest level for a parse mission, which contains how to parse a input_object. Sometimes it also has a list of ParseRule as child rules.
- Parse result is a dict that rule_name as key and result as value.
- CrawlerRule contains some ParseRules, which has 3 attributes besides the rule name:
- request_args tell the http-downloader how to send the request.
- parse_rules is a list of ParseRule, and the parsing result format is like {CrawlerRule_name: {ParseRule1['name']: ParseRule1_result, ParseRule2['name']: ParseRule2_result}}.
- regex tells how to find the crawler_rule with a given url.
- HostRule contains a dict like: {CrawlerRule['name']: CrawlerRule}, with the find method it can get the specified CrawlerRule with a given url.
- JSONRuleStorage is a simple storage way, which saved the HostRules in a JSON file. On the production environment this is not a good choice, maybe redis / mysql / mongodb can give a hand.
- Uniparser is the center console for the entire crawler process. It handled download middleware, parse middleware. Detail usage can be find at uniparser.crawler.Crawler, or have a loot at [Quick Start].
- For custom settings, such as json loader, please update the uniparser.config.GlobalConfig.
Quick Start
Mission: Crawl python Meta-PEPs
Only less than 25 lines necessary code besides the rules(which can be saved outside and auto loaded).
HostRules will be saved at $HOME/host_rules.json
by default, not need to init every time.
CrawlerRule JSON & Expected Result
crawler = Crawler(
r'{"": {"host": "", "crawler_rules": {"main": {"name":"list","request_args":{"method":"get","url":"","headers":{"User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.130 Safari/537.36"}},"parse_rules":[{"name":"__request__","chain_rules":[["css","#index-by-category #meta-peps-peps-about-peps-or-processes td.num>a","@href"],["re","^/","@"],["python","getitem","[:3]"]],"childs":""}],"regex":"^$","encoding":""}, "subs": {"name":"detail","request_args":{"method":"get","url":"","headers":{"User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.130 Safari/537.36"}},"parse_rules":[{"name":"title","chain_rules":[["css","","$text"],["python","getitem","[0]"]],"childs":""}],"regex":"^\\d+$","encoding":""}}}}'
expected_result = {
'list': {
'__request__': [
'__result__': [{
'detail': {
'title': 'PEP 1 -- PEP Purpose and Guidelines'
}, {
'detail': {
'title': 'PEP 4 -- Deprecation of Standard Modules'
}, {
'detail': {
'title': 'PEP 5 -- Guidelines for Language Evolution'
The Whole Source Code
from uniparser import Crawler, JSONRuleStorage
import asyncio
crawler = Crawler(
r'{"": {"host": "", "crawler_rules": {"main": {"name":"list","request_args":{"method":"get","url":"","headers":{"User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.130 Safari/537.36"}},"parse_rules":[{"name":"__request__","chain_rules":[["css","#index-by-category #meta-peps-peps-about-peps-or-processes td.num>a","@href"],["re","^/","@"],["python","getitem","[:3]"]],"childs":""}],"regex":"^$","encoding":""}, "subs": {"name":"detail","request_args":{"method":"get","url":"","headers":{"User-Agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.130 Safari/537.36"}},"parse_rules":[{"name":"title","chain_rules":[["css","","$text"],["python","getitem","[0]"]],"childs":""}],"regex":"^\\d+$","encoding":""}}}}'
expected_result = {
'list': {
'__request__': [
'__result__': [{
'detail': {
'title': 'PEP 1 -- PEP Purpose and Guidelines'
}, {
'detail': {
'title': 'PEP 4 -- Deprecation of Standard Modules'
}, {
'detail': {
'title': 'PEP 5 -- Guidelines for Language Evolution'
def test_sync_crawler():
result = crawler.crawl('')
print('sync result:', result)
assert result == expected_result
def test_async_crawler():
async def _test():
result = await crawler.acrawl('')
print('sync result:', result)
assert result == expected_result
Uniparser Rule Test Console (Web UI)
- pip install bottle uniparser
- python -m uniparser 8080
- open browser =>
Show result as JSON
{"CSS demo":{"Tag attribute":"post"}}
As we can see, CrawlerRule's name is the root key, and ParseRule's name as the others.
Async environment usage: Fastapi
import uvicorn
from uniparser.fastapi_ui import app
if __name__ == "__main__":, port=8080)
or Fastapi subapp usage
import uvicorn
from fastapi import FastAPI
from uniparser.fastapi_ui import app as sub_app
app = FastAPI()
app.mount('/uniparser', sub_app)
if __name__ == "__main__":, port=8080)
More Usage
Some Demos: Click the dropdown buttons on top of the Web UI
Test Code:
Advanced Usage: Create crawler rule for watchdogs
Generate parsers doc
from uniparser import Uniparser
for i in Uniparser().parsers:
print(f'## {i.__class__.__name__} ({})\n\n```\n{i.doc}\n```')
Compare parsers and choose a faster one
css: 2558 calls / sec, ['<a class="url" href="/">title</a>', 'a.url', '@href']
css: 2491 calls / sec, ['<a class="url" href="/">title</a>', 'a.url', '$text']
css: 2385 calls / sec, ['<a class="url" href="/">title</a>', 'a.url', '$innerHTML']
css: 2495 calls / sec, ['<a class="url" href="/">title</a>', 'a.url', '$html']
css: 2296 calls / sec, ['<a class="url" href="/">title</a>', 'a.url', '$outerHTML']
css: 2182 calls / sec, ['<a class="url" href="/">title</a>', 'a.url', '$string']
css: 2130 calls / sec, ['<a class="url" href="/">title</a>', 'a.url', '$self']
css1: 2525 calls / sec, ['<a class="url" href="/">title</a>', 'a.url', '@href']
css1: 2402 calls / sec, ['<a class="url" href="/">title</a>', 'a.url', '$text']
css1: 2321 calls / sec, ['<a class="url" href="/">title</a>', 'a.url', '$innerHTML']
css1: 2256 calls / sec, ['<a class="url" href="/">title</a>', 'a.url', '$html']
css1: 2122 calls / sec, ['<a class="url" href="/">title</a>', 'a.url', '$outerHTML']
css1: 2142 calls / sec, ['<a class="url" href="/">title</a>', 'a.url', '$string']
css1: 2483 calls / sec, ['<a class="url" href="/">title</a>', 'a.url', '$self']
selectolax: 15187 calls / sec, ['<a class="url" href="/">title</a>', 'a.url', '@href']
selectolax: 19164 calls / sec, ['<a class="url" href="/">title</a>', 'a.url', '$text']
selectolax: 19699 calls / sec, ['<a class="url" href="/">title</a>', 'a.url', '$html']
selectolax: 20659 calls / sec, ['<a class="url" href="/">title</a>', 'a.url', '$outerHTML']
selectolax: 20369 calls / sec, ['<a class="url" href="/">title</a>', 'a.url', '$self']
selectolax1: 17572 calls / sec, ['<a class="url" href="/">title</a>', 'a.url', '@href']
selectolax1: 19096 calls / sec, ['<a class="url" href="/">title</a>', 'a.url', '$text']
selectolax1: 17997 calls / sec, ['<a class="url" href="/">title</a>', 'a.url', '$html']
selectolax1: 18100 calls / sec, ['<a class="url" href="/">title</a>', 'a.url', '$outerHTML']
selectolax1: 19137 calls / sec, ['<a class="url" href="/">title</a>', 'a.url', '$self']
xml: 3171 calls / sec, ['<dc:creator><![CDATA[author]]></dc:creator>', 'creator', '$text']
re: 220240 calls / sec, ['a a b b c c', 'a|c', '@b']
re: 334206 calls / sec, ['a a b b c c', 'a', '']
re: 199572 calls / sec, ['a a b b c c', 'a (a b)', '$0']
re: 203122 calls / sec, ['a a b b c c', 'a (a b)', '$1']
re: 256544 calls / sec, ['a a b b c c', 'b', '-']
jsonpath: 28 calls / sec, [{'a': {'b': {'c': 1}}}, '$..c', '']
objectpath: 42331 calls / sec, [{'a': {'b': {'c': 1}}}, '$..c', '']
jmespath: 95449 calls / sec, [{'a': {'b': {'c': 1}}}, 'a.b.c', '']
udf: 58236 calls / sec, ['a b c d', 'input_object[::-1]', '']
udf: 64846 calls / sec, ['a b c d', 'context["key"]', {'key': 'value'}]
udf: 55169 calls / sec, ['a b c d', 'md5(input_object)', '']
udf: 45388 calls / sec, ['["string"]', 'json_loads(input_object)', '']
udf: 50741 calls / sec, ['["string"]', 'json_loads(obj)', '']
udf: 48974 calls / sec, [['string'], 'json_dumps(input_object)', '']
udf: 41670 calls / sec, ['a b c d', 'parse = lambda input_object: input_object', '']
udf: 31930 calls / sec, ['a b c d', 'def parse(input_object): context["key"]="new";return context', {'key': 'new'}]
python: 383293 calls / sec, [[1, 2, 3], 'getitem', '[-1]']
python: 350290 calls / sec, [[1, 2, 3], 'getitem', '[:2]']
python: 325668 calls / sec, ['abc', 'getitem', '[::-1]']
python: 634737 calls / sec, [{'a': '1'}, 'getitem', 'a']
python: 654257 calls / sec, [{'a': '1'}, 'get', 'a']
python: 642111 calls / sec, ['a b\tc \n \td', 'split', '']
python: 674048 calls / sec, [['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'join', '']
python: 478239 calls / sec, [['aaa', ['b'], ['c', 'd']], 'chain', '']
python: 191430 calls / sec, ['python', 'template', '1 $input_object 2']
python: 556022 calls / sec, [[1], 'index', '0']
python: 474540 calls / sec, ['python', 'index', '-1']
python: 619489 calls / sec, [{'a': '1'}, 'index', 'a']
python: 457317 calls / sec, ['adcb', 'sort', '']
python: 494608 calls / sec, [[1, 3, 2, 4], 'sort', 'desc']
python: 581480 calls / sec, ['aabbcc', 'strip', 'a']
python: 419745 calls / sec, ['aabbcc', 'strip', 'ac']
python: 615518 calls / sec, [' \t a ', 'strip', '']
python: 632536 calls / sec, ['a', 'default', 'b']
python: 655448 calls / sec, ['', 'default', 'b']
python: 654189 calls / sec, [' ', 'default', 'b']
python: 373153 calls / sec, ['a', 'base64_encode', '']
python: 339589 calls / sec, ['YQ==', 'base64_decode', '']
python: 495246 calls / sec, ['a', '0', 'b']
python: 358796 calls / sec, ['', '0', 'b']
python: 356988 calls / sec, [None, '0', 'b']
python: 532092 calls / sec, [{0: 'a'}, '0', 'a']
loader: 159737 calls / sec, ['{"a": "b"}', 'json', '']
loader: 38540 calls / sec, ['a = "a"', 'toml', '']
loader: 3972 calls / sec, ['animal: pets', 'yaml', '']
loader: 461297 calls / sec, ['a', 'b64encode', '']
loader: 412507 calls / sec, ['YQ==', 'b64decode', '']
time: 39241 calls / sec, ['2020-02-03 20:29:45', 'encode', '']
time: 83251 calls / sec, ['1580732985.1873155', 'decode', '']
time: 48469 calls / sec, ['2020-02-03T20:29:45', 'encode', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S']
time: 74481 calls / sec, ['1580732985.1873155', 'decode', '%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S']