Unity YAML Parser
This project aims to provide a python3 API to load and dump Unity YAML
files(configurations, prefabs, scenes, serialized data, etc) in the exact same
format the internal Unity YAML serializer does.
Using this API you will be able to easily manipulate(as python objects)
Unity YAML files and save them just the same, keeping the YAML structure
exactly as Unity does. This has the advantages of, first not having to
configure PyYAML beforehand to deal with Unity YAMLs, and second as the
modified file keeps the same structure and formatting that Unity does,
when the YAML file is loaded by Unity it won't make formatting changes
to it that will make any VCS report unexpected file changes.
Install and update using pip:
pip install -U unityparser
A Simple Example
from unityparser import UnityDocument
project_settings_file = 'UnityProject/ProjectSettings/ProjectSettings.asset'
doc = UnityDocument.load_yaml(project_settings_file)
ProjectSettings = doc.entry
ProjectSettings.scriptingDefineSymbols[1] += ';CUSTOM_DEFINE'
ProjectSettings.scriptingDefineSymbols[7] = ProjectSettings.scriptingDefineSymbols[1]
hero_prefab_file = 'UnityProject/Assets/Prefabs/Hero.prefab'
doc = UnityDocument.load_yaml(hero_prefab_file)
entry = doc.get(class_name='MonoBehaviour', attributes=('m_MaxHealth',))
entry.m_MaxHealth += 10
entries = doc.filter(class_names=('MonoBehaviour',), attributes=('m_Enabled',))
for entry in entries:
entry.m_Enabled = 1
Main class to load and dump files.
Classmethod: Load the given YAML file_path and return a UnityDocument file
Dump the UnityDocument to the previously loaded file location(overwrite).
If file_path argument is provided, dump the document to the specified location instead.
This method keeps line endings of the original file when it dumps.
Property: Return the list of documents found in the YAML. The objects in the list are of types Class named after the serialized Unity class(ie. MonoBehaviour, GameObject, Prefab, CustomName, etc).
Property: Return the first document in the YAML, useful if there is only one. Equivalent of doing UnityDocument.entries[0]
unityparser.UnityDocument.get(class_name=None, attributes=None)
Method: Return a single entry uniquely matching the given filters. Must exist exactly one.
unityparser.UnityDocument.filter(class_names=None, attributes=None)
Method: Return a list of entries matching the given filters. Many or none can be matched.
PyYAML's Loader class, can be used directly with PyYAML to customise loading.
PyYAML's Dumper class, can be used directly with PyYAML to customise dumping.
Text scalars which are single or double quoted that span multiple lines are not being dumped exactly as Unity does. There's a difference in the maximum length allowed per line and the logic to wrap them.