Easy and Simple method to obfuscate and deobfuscate your Django URLs.
Works with both normal urls as well as those with params
Quick start
Install using pip or easy_install
$ pip install url-obfuscated
$ easy_install url-obfuscated
Add "url_obfuscate" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting like this:
To obfuscate Django's URLs, modify the URL declaration in the urls.py file by replacing the regex definition with the funcion generate_url_pattern, as follows:
from url_obfuscated.helpers import generate_url_pattern
urlpatterns = [
url(generate_url_pattern('/'), home, name='home'),
url(generate_url_pattern('obfuscated_link', params=['(?P<name>[^/]+)']), obfuscated_link, name='obfuscated_link'),
url(generate_url_pattern('optional_param', params=['(?:(?P<param>[^/]+)/)?']), optional_param, name='optional_param'),
For the home URL, use / path. To include params in the URL, declare them in the desired order inside the params attribute. When obfuscating a URL with parameters, it is necessary to use the deobfuscate decorator to recover the original value of the parameter.
from url_obfuscated.decorators import deobfuscate
def obfuscated_link(request, name):
return render(request, 'obfuscate_result.html', { 'name': name })
When declaring URLs with parameters inside templates, use the obfuscate template tag, as follows:
{% load obfuscate_tags %}
<p><a href="{% url 'obfuscated_link' 'Dan Brown'|obfuscate %}">Obfuscated link: {% url 'obfuscated_link' 'Dan'|obfuscate %}</a></p>
You can also obfuscate any value from inside a view, use the obfuscate function, as follows:
from url_obfuscated.helpers import obfuscate
def home(request):
links = list()
for i in range(10):
links.append(obfuscate('Name %d' % (i+1)))
return render(request, 'index.html', { 'links': links })