webstring is a template engine for programmers whose favorite template
language is Python. This release of webstring replaces the standalone packages
webstring, lwebstring, TurboWebstring, and LturboWebstring.
webstring supports:
- plain text templating
- advanced XML and HTML templating using lxml or cElementTree
- templating with web frameworks that support the TurboGears template plugin API
- WSGI templating middleware
webstring is designed to:
- Separate model and view logic from controller logic.
- Separate template logic from template data.
- Require only Python for templating.
- Use Python syntax, idiom, and patterns.
- Play well with other Python software.
webstring's XML and HTML templating support is designed to:
- Use XML as a data format, not a programming language.
- Use existing XML formats.
- Hide the parts of an XML document that are not being used.
- Use the best Python XML processing libraries.
- Bridge HTML and XML.