Python 3.5 is required!
For Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install macchanger gpsd libjpeg-dev python-scapy libiw-dev iw aircrack-ng libiw-dev python-dev redis-server libbluetooth-dev libpcap-dev
python setup.py install
brew install --with-python libdnet
sudo ln -s /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/Current/Resources/airport /usr/local/bin/airport
This projects uses settings.py with some example configuration, however with the command manage you can speficy the path of your settings.
DUMP_DIRECTORY = path where all captured packets will be save. inside this path a folder wpa_handshake will be created where all handshakes will be stored.
LOG_FILENAME = path for the logging filename
DEBUG_LEVEL = logging level. ex: info, warn, debug, etc.
How to use it
The main entry point of this application is manage command.
Running this command will save every packet in an specific location, which can be changed in the setting.py.
Dot11 packets will be saved in files with "dot11" prefix, all other packets will be saved without the "dot11" prefix.
Example of wifi jamming usage
manage -i wlan0mon -s 00:11:BB:33:44:AA
where 00:11:BB:33:44:AA is your access point (this param avoids sending deauths to that mac address)
Example of usage for offline pcap analysis
manage -o old_capture.pcap
Importing data from wigle
Wigle allows to use cellphone gps to track access point locations.
Since wigle uses a sqlite database it's easy to import all the data from the cellphone
import_wigle -i wigle.sqlite
Export KML
This software allows to extract aps location for usage with google earth.
generate_kml -o exported.kml
this software logs all the information in the file "wifi_tools.log"
- Multiprocessing
- Offline pcap analysis
- Wifi Jammer mode
- Specific attacks for each encryption type
- Allows to target a specific access point
- Geographic location of access points
- Multiple wifi network interfaces
Future Features
- Launch access point based on probe requests information
- Client geographic location
0.1.0 (2015-12-13)