😶 Wordcel
is a library of functions that provides a set of common tools for working with large language models.
Candidly, it is mostly a set of functions that I myself use on a regular basis — my own personal Swiss army knife.
You can simply pip install wordcel
- LLM APIs: Wrapper functions over the most common LLM APIs.
- RAG: Helper functions for RAG, and a minimal implementation of Anthropic's "Contextual Retrieval" method.
- featurize: Helper functions for multithreaded inference over text columns in pandas DataFrames.
- DAG: WordcelDAG is a flexible and extensible framework for defining and executing Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) of data processing tasks, particularly involving LLMs and dataframes.
There is also a nascent CLI. wordcel --help
Usage: wordcel [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Wordcel CLI.
--help Show this message and exit.
dag WordcelDAG commands.