.. contents::
Change history
0.1 (09-13-10)
0.2 (09-13-10)
0.3 (09-13-10)
- More detailed doctest (also used as readme)
0.4 (09-16-10)
- Fixed a typo in the doctest
- Changed get_realm_status(self, name) and get_realm_type(self, name) to (self, * names)
Detailed Documentation
The realmstatus-API reads the realmstatus-xml from wow-europe.com to get the status of a specified realm ("Realm Up/Realm Down") and
the type of the realm (PvE,PvP etc.).
To use the API, just do an import like this
>>> from realmstatus_api import Realmstatus
Mock Realmstatus.get_realm_status and Realmstatus.get_realm_type
Returns output similar to what we would get from the API, so
that this test can be used while offline
>>> from test_realmstatus import mocked_get_realm_status, mocked_get_realm_type
Mocking the functions
>>> Realmstatus.get_realm_status = mocked_get_realm_status
>>> Realmstatus.get_realm_type = mocked_get_realm_type
First create an instance of the Realmstatus object
>>> realmstatus = Realmstatus()
To get the status of a realm, use get_realm_status(* names).
If you want, you can get the status of multiple realms (in a dictionary)
>>> status = realmstatus.get_realm_status("Azshara")["Azshara"]
>>> status == "Realm Up"
To get the type of a realm, use get_realm_type(* names).
If you want, you can get the type of multiple realms (in a dictionary)
>>> type = realmstatus.get_realm_type("Azshara")["Azshara"]
>>> type == "PvP"
Marc Goetz, Author