xaml -- XML Abstract Markup Language
an easier way for humans to write xml and html
if a line starts with any xaml component ( ~ @ . # $ ) that line represents
an xml/http element::
- an element continues until eol, or an unquoted :
- an element can be continued to the next line(s) using unquoted parens
if a line starts with a ":" it is specifying how the following lines should
be interpreted::
:css -> cascading style sheets that are inserted with a tag
:python -> python code inserted into a <script type="text/python"> tag
(must have a python interpreter running in the browser; e.g.
Brython (http://brython.info/index.html))
:javascript -> javascript code inserted into a
if a line starts with // it is a comment, and will be converted into an
xml/html comment
if a line starts with a "-" (hyphen) it is a single line of Python code that
will be run to help generate the final output
otherwise the line represents the content of an element
xaml components::
Based on haml [1] but aimed at Python.
Still in its early stages -- send email to ethan at stoneleaf dot us if you
would like to get involved!
Mercurial repository, wiki, and issue tracker at [2].
[1] http://haml.info/
[2] https://bitbucket.org/stoneleaf/xaml