python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r
createdb --U username -W dbname
cp .env.sample .env
You can done commit
only after pytest
will done success.
Pre-commit script stored in .git/hooks/pre-commit
file; current script is:
direction BT
class Agent {
timestamp(0) with time zone created_at
timestamp(0) with time zone updated_at
integer exid
jsonb auth
smallint ex_id
bigint user_id
integer id
class Asset {
smallint type_ /* spot: 1\nearn: 2\nfound: 3 */
double precision free
double precision freeze
double precision lock
double precision target
integer agent_id
smallint coin_id
integer id
class Coin {
varchar(15) ticker
double precision rate
boolean is_fiat
smallint id
class CoinEx {
varchar(31) exid
boolean p2p
smallint coin_id
smallint ex_id
integer id
class Cur {
varchar(3) ticker
double precision rate
smallint id
class CurEx {
varchar(31) exid
boolean p2p
smallint cur_id
smallint ex_id
integer id
class Ex {
varchar(31) name
varchar(63) host /* With no protocol 'https://' */
varchar(63) host_p2p /* With no protocol 'https://' */
varchar(63) url_login /* With no protocol 'https://' */
smallint type_ /* p2p: 1\ncex: 2\nmain: 3\ndex: 4\nfutures: 8 */
varchar(511) logo
smallint id
class Fiat {
varchar(127) detail
varchar(127) name
double precision amount
double precision target
integer pmcur_id
bigint user_id
integer id
class FiatEx {
integer exid
smallint ex_id
integer fiat_id
integer id
class Limit {
integer amount
integer unit
integer level
boolean income
bigint added_by_id
integer pmcur_id
integer id
class Pm {
varchar(63) name
smallint rank
smallint type_ /* bank: 0\nweb_wallet: 1\ncash: 2\ngift_card: 3\ncredit_card: 4 */
varchar(127) logo
boolean multiAllow
integer id
class PmCur {
smallint cur_id
integer pm_id
integer id
class PmCurEx {
boolean blocked
smallint ex_id
integer pmcur_id
integer id
class PmEx {
varchar(31) exid
smallint ex_id
integer pm_id
integer id
class User {
timestamp(0) with time zone created_at
timestamp(0) with time zone updated_at
smallint role /* READER: 4\nWRITER: 2\nMANAGER: 6\nADMIN: 7 */
smallint status /* CREATOR: 5\nADMINISTRATOR: 4\nMEMBER: 3\nRESTRICTED: 2\nLEFT:... */
varchar(95) username
bigint ref_id
bigint id
Agent --> Ex : ex_id-id
Agent --> User : user_id-id
Asset --> Agent : agent_id-id
Asset --> Coin : coin_id-id
CoinEx --> Coin : coin_id-id
CoinEx --> Ex : ex_id-id
CurEx --> Cur : cur_id-id
CurEx --> Ex : ex_id-id
Fiat --> PmCur : pmcur_id-id
Fiat --> User : user_id-id
FiatEx --> Ex : ex_id-id
FiatEx --> Fiat : fiat_id-id
Limit --> PmCur : pmcur_id-id
Limit --> User : added_by_id-id
PmCur --> Cur : cur_id-id
PmCur --> Pm : pm_id-id
PmCurEx --> Ex : ex_id-id
PmCurEx --> PmCur : pmcur_id-id
PmEx --> Ex : ex_id-id
PmEx --> Pm : pm_id-id
User --> User : ref_id-id