A library that provides a plain function-call interface to the Dropbox API web endpoints.
Library for communicating with Dropbox API v2
To deliver a more Rubyesque experience when using the Dropbox API.
An easy-to-use client library for the official Dropbox API.
A Ruby library for the new Dropbox API.
An easy-to-use Dropbox client with fine-grained control over syncs. Think of it as halfway point between the developer API and a normal client, which gives you control over what and when Dropbox syncs but handles all the details.
An easy-to-use client library for the official Dropbox API.
An easy-to-use client library for the official Dropbox API.
Provides a standard way to interface with Ruby API wrappers provided by various cloud storage services such as Dropbox and Google Drive.
Ruby client library for the Dropbox Api V2
To deliver a more Rubyesque experience when using the DropBox API (forked by petems).
This plugin publishes artifacts over to Dropbox via a generated api token from Dropbox Developer API.
In order to allow Dropbox API apps to verify uploaded contents or compare remote files to local files without downloading them, the FileMetadata object contains a hash of the file contents in the content_hash property.
Dropbox OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth 1.x supporting business api v2
It's capable of working as an extension for dropbox-api to allow folder invites
To deliver a more Rubyesque experience when using the DropBox API.
The **dropbox-api** is a Ruby gem for managing DropBox uploading, downloading and sharing DropBox files and folders. The main goals of building this gem are: 1. Simulate a **permanent access token**, since [Dropbox is moving to "short-term live access codes"](https://www.dropboxforum.com/t5/Discuss-Dropbox-Developer-API/Permanent-access-token/td-p/592644); 2. Manage DropBox as an elastic-storage providers for [our SaaS projects](https://github.com/leandrosardi/mysaas), allowing us to upload, download and share download links to files; 3. Backup and restore secret files of our projects that cannot be commited into the source code repository (E.g.: database passwords, SSL certificates, private keys).
To deliver a more Rubyesque experience when using the Dropbox API.
A library that provides a plain function-call interface to the Dropbox API web endpoints.
A Small Victories fork of the Dropbox REST API Client A library that provides a plain function-call interface to the Dropbox API web endpoints.