Rack middleware Captcha verification using Recaptcha API.
AntiCaptcha api ruby wrapper
ReCaptcha implements view helpers to generate ReCaptcha code, with the noscript counterpart, required methods that interface with the HTTP API for captcha verification, a DSL to generate a before_filter and the code to implement AJAX captcha validation.
Rack middleware Captcha verification using Recaptcha API.
Russian Post tracking toolset, consisting tracking form bot (since Russian Post is too retarded for normal API) and captcha solver/recognizer.
Antigate (Decode captcha service) wrapper for Ruby
Death by Captcha Ruby implementation (HTTP API)
Gem that uses RuCaptcha API to solver any type of captcha
API to interact with BrandCAPTCHA http://www.pontamedia.com/en/brandcaptcha/
A very simple rack captcha middleware via captchator.com API
create captcha for api based project
This plugin adds helpers for the YinXiangMa CAPTCHA API
Ruby package for easy integration with the API of 2captcha captcha solving service to bypass recaptcha, hcaptcha, funcaptcha, geetest and solve any other captchas.