Accessing the IP API through Curb. This gem has been made to be as simple to use as possible. As such, it even includes a CLI that can be called through `simplegeo <ip>`.
A call to the v3 API over at will be done to retrieve the geolocation based on the IP address. No need to include a database file in the application.
Find geolocation data from IP addresses (e.g. city, country, timezone) using the API
Remote, IP-Based Geolocation for everyone! Seriously, this gem gives you 3 different IP-location services as 1-liners. Example: IPGeolocation.locate("12.345.678.90", :blogama) That's all there is to it! And you get a bunch of information, especially from blogama's API.
Rails engine with IP geolocation API like Freegeoip provides a reliable & scalable IP geolocation API for software developers. It uses a database of IP addresses associated with cities and other relevant information like time zone, latitude, and longitude.
Trackdown is a Ruby gem that easily allows you to geolocate IP addresses. It's a simple, convenient wrapper on top of the MaxMind database. Plug your MaxMind license key and you're good to go. It keeps your MaxMind database updated regularly, and it offers a handy API for Rails applications to fetch country, city, and emoji flag information for any IP address.