= Barcode Creating barcodes (at the moment only Interleaved2of5). == Usage Create the barcode string and the barcode graphics data i2o5 = Interleave2of5("01199") code = i2o5.encode barcode = i2o5.barcode pdf = Prawn::Document.new barcode.to_pdf(pdf) When used with rails add require 'interleave2of5' to config/application.rb The barcode can be used to create a graphical representation of the barcode. == Release Notes * Version 0.0.1 Create barcode Interleaved 2 of 5 that can be added to a pdf file * Version 0.0.2 Fix check digit calculation * Version 0.0.3 Add valid? to check whether a decoded value (e.g. by a barcode scanner) is valid == Licencse Barcode is published under the MIT license