A Javascript code obfuscator
Make your ActiveRecord IDs non-obvious
Bullet Train Obfuscates ID
Obfuscate 32-bit Integers using a 32-bit block cipher based on SKIPJACK
Middleman extension for email link protection and obfuscation.
Standalone Ruby code for the selective rewriting of MySQL dumps in order to protect user privacy.
Lib for obfuscation css class names
Ruby utility for obfuscating strings, with no dependencies.
Obfuscate link-like mail content on delivery to prevent auto hyperlinks in modern email clients.
An ID obfuscator for ActiveRecord.
A simple obfuscator that encrypts strings in source files
Simple Rails plugin to obfuscate strings in views.
Drop Zone is a solution to the problem of restricted sales in censored markets. The proposal is for the design of a protocol and reference client that encodes the location and a brief description of a good onto The Blockchain. Those wishing to purchase the good can search for items within a user-requested radius. Sellers list a good as available within a geographic region, subject to some degree of precision, for the purpose of obfuscating their precise location. Goods are announced next to an expiration, a hashtag, and if space permits, a description. Once a buyer finds a good in a defined relative proximity, a secure communication channel is opened between the parties on the Bitcoin test network ("testnet"). Once negotiations are complete, the buyer sends payment to the seller via the address listed on the Bitcoin mainnet. This spend action establishes reputation for the buyer, and potentially for the seller. Once paid, the seller is to furnish the exact GPS coordinates of the good to the buyer (alongside a small note such as "Check in the crevice of the tree"). When the buyer successfully picks up the item at the specified location, the buyer then issues a receipt with a note by spending flake to the address of the original post. In this way, sellers receive a reputation score. The solution is akin to that of Craigslist.org or Uber, but is distributed and as such provides nearly risk-free terms to contraband sellers, and drastically reduced risk to contraband buyers.
Display unique 10-digit numbers instead of ActiveRecord IDs. Hides the ID param so curious website visitors are unable to determine your resource count.
Low-to-no configuration solution for obfuscating sensitive data in your database.
doublehelix obfuscates Ruby codes in Double-helix style. This is inspired by Perl's Acme::DoubleHelix.
see Summary
Obfuscate sensitive data in source control, expose it again for circle and then deploy
Obfuscate your autoincrementing primary key ids.
Generate or obfuscate Id's using different patterns
"This gem sets up javascript and CSS bundle file compression using the YUI Compressor. For example, using [javascript_include_tag "prototype", "cart", "checkout", :cache => "shop"] creates a combined javascript file named shop.js. With this gem, YUI compressor will also be run on shop.js, resulting in a smaller, obfuscated file."
Masks the original ID of a class with a unique obfuscated value per object type.
Generate obfuscated UXid's.
Obfuscate id on your record.
Fluentd filter plugin to obfuscate email addresses
Obfuscate your private data using a simple dsl
obfuscate file content and directory structures
Jekyll plugin that adds git authors and their obfuscated email addressinto page using markdown and liquid.
A clean, friendly API for obfuscating slightly sensitive data from a Rails application
Obfuscate a mysql dump database with sensitive data
Simple encryption for URL parameters in rails, meant as a drop-in obfuscation layer for IDs
Obfuscate your environemnt files in development, push to source control, then expose them on the server
Fast & secure way to provide obfuscated ids and text.
Command to obfuscate an email
SQL Obfuscation Instrumentation Helpers for the OpenTelemetry framework
Squelch squelches SQL! This gem is a purposefully simple string obfuscator. It aims to replace every data literal in a SQL query with a `?` placeholder, as though it were a prepared statement. The result should still be readable SQL, but without the risk of leaking potentially sensitive information.
Encode your numerical IDs (eg record primary keys) into obfuscated strings that can be used in URLs. The obfuscated strings are reversible, so you can decode them back into the original numerical IDs. Supports encoding multiple IDs at once, and generating IDs with custom alphabets and separators to make the IDs easier to read or share.
["scramble words or check their counts in a string e.g. 'some bad words are f'*** bad ***!' using the obfuscate('some string', ['some','words']) function or $=> { some => 1, bad => 2} using report('some string', ['some','words'])"]
Uses the Faker gem to turn your database of real-world data into realistic, obfuscated seed data. Use it for demos, testing, or passing out to other developers without revealing proprietary information. It will obfuscate only the models and fields you specify.
Integers are converted to strings using a complex mapping and a base 36 alphabet. Strings with valid digits (0-9 a-z)are converted back to integers. The encoding is one-to-one but not sequential.This is useful for obfuscating user ids in urls.
Provides a Ruby wrapper for the w32evol obfuscation engine
Gives word_count and obfuscates strings
Take the obfuscated production data from it's nightly backup and place it into a working database. This script is run nightly to put obfuscated data into the Q* test server environments.
Backup an RDS database instance to S3, and create and obfuscated version
Obfuscate your Rails primary key
This gem obfuscates images.
Minify your tweet without obfuscating (too much). l33t txt shorthand replacements for everyday words.
Standalone Ruby code for the selective rewriting of MySQL dumps in order to protect user privacy.
Provides a terminal utility for generating obfuscated morse code.