Ruby gem developed to help with pagination, filtering, sorting, and including associations on both active record queries and custom sql queries
An implementation of Array that permits chaining, where children inherit changes to parent and where parent settings can be overridden in children, and that retains sorted order, ensuring inserted values are unique.
Sass sorting function
Food products often contain an ingredient list of some sort. This parser tries to recognize the syntax and returns a structured representation of the food ingredients.
Simple gem to reduce the spam attacks on sign-up, sign-in and other similar sorts of forms.
Handle sort, filters, searches, and ranges on Rails collections.
A gem that allows for simple SQL-based search and sort functionality
ShowOff is a Sinatra web app that reads simple configuration files for a presentation. It is sort of like a Keynote web app engine. I am using it to do all my talks in 2010, because I have a deep hatred in my heart for Keynote and yet it is by far the best in the field. The idea is that you setup your slide files in section subdirectories and then startup the showoff server in that directory. It will read in your showoff.json file for which sections go in which order and then will give you a URL to present from.
Create a composite feed of 'recent activity' from multiple models in your rails app. They will be sorted by a datetime column (usually created_at). This removes the need for insert hooks to create 'activity' in an extra table.
A ruby gem that has the list of the most commonly used contemporary English words sorted by length, then alphabetical order. Useful for creating mnemonic codes.
Rails admin sort for embedded collections based on nested set
It is customizable and flexible scaffold who support sort and the pagination.
Allow easy sorting tables tables in rails
A ruby library that does content negotiation and parses and sorts http accept headers. Adheres to RFC 2616.
Ruby gem which when given arguements, allows an instance in an auto-scaling group to name/dns/tag itself.
Sorts colors perceptually
Features Designed to work seamlessly with the nested set model (have a look at the toArray method) Items can be sorted in their own list, moved across the tree, or nested under other items. Sublists are created and deleted on the fly All jQuery Sortable options, events and methods are available It is possible to define elements that will not accept a new nested item/list and a maximum depth for nested items The root level can be protected
A sort of utilities which helps you to manage file resources.
Provide simple concern and helper
A powerful yet very simple to use gem to apply all sorts of cool instagram types of filters to your images or photos in your Ruby on Rails application. With this gem you can use all sorts of filters like Poster, Sepia, Navy, Sketch etc. You can apply frames ( In present tow types of frames ) of different colours to your images or photos. Pick any colour for frames from
Sort Array/Hash/Enumerable recursively.
Provides AJAX paginated, sorted tables in rails with will_paginate and arel
A command-line utility for a Paperless that apply rules in order to auto-sort notes into supported services such as Finder, Evernote, DevonThink and PDFPen
== FEATURES: * takes an XML with actions from tg4w and outputs stand-alone Ruby code that can be run directly or embedded into existing code (e.g. for test automation). * can be used as a library or as an executable script. * takes the xpath from tg4w and uses only enough info to guarantee the uniqueness of the referenced element, allowing the generated script to keep working even with some change to page structure. == PROBLEMS: * the generated code is damn ugly. * a few action types from the XML input still aren't recognized. * some dependencies aren't very clearly sorted out yet. you might find you need something that is not specified. if yes, please report this as an issue in our issue tracker. * i don't know, find more and let me know =) == SYNOPSIS:
A subclass of Array::Sorted and Array::Unique (and therefore also Array::Hooked).
Searching form and sorting query builder
Sort HTML tables in a Rails app.
This is a filetree, written with Backbone. It is meant to be tree that will update your file nodes live and sort them when the node state is changed.
An implementation of DIBS Message authentication code. Has correct sorting and rules for which params to include. So far it only includes the params for DIBS Payment Window.
String ordering for humans.
Easy fasta filtering, wrapping, calculating common statistics, sorting etc. Based on the fasta_tool script that I think was written by Jason Stajich.
Rails generator to create admin scaffolding with searching and sorting for models
Liquid's sort and sort_natural don't support nested fields out of the box.This gems provides nested_sort and nester_sort_natural.
Write a controller-method to do the sort and call jsort-helper in your view.
Querying's data using application-defined criteria, this gem returns a collection of repeaters matching the criteria as JSON - conveniently sorted by proximity!
Sort images easily by their similarity
Adds ability to sort models using a custom field
Make your ActiveNode acts as a list. This acts_as extension provides the capabilities for sorting and reordering a number of objects in a list. The instances that take part in the list should have a +position+ field of type Integer.
The "easy-peasy" dynamic sorting pattern for ActiveRecord that your Rails apps deserve.
A DSL for Rails that provides easy table creation with sorting and filtering.
Provides ActiveRecord methods that make it easy to allow users to sort and reorder records in a list
Tool to test APIs which will eventually do boundary testing and other sorts of testing automatically given a contract
Sorting tables
FatTable is a gem that treats tables as a data type. It provides methods for constructing tables from a variety of sources, building them row-by-row, extracting rows, columns, and cells, and performing aggregate operations on columns. It also provides as set of SQL-esque methods for manipulating table objects: select for filtering by columns or for creating new columns, where for filtering by rows, order_by for sorting rows, distinct for eliminating duplicate rows, group_by for aggregating multiple rows into single rows and applying column aggregate methods to ungrouped columns, a collection of join methods for combining tables, and more. Furthermore, FatTable provides methods for formatting tables and producing output that targets various output media: text, ANSI terminals, ruby data structures, LaTeX tables, Emacs org-mode tables, and more. The formatting methods can specify cell formatting in a way that is uniform across all the output methods and can also decorate the output with any number of footers, including group footers. FatTable applies formatting directives to the extent they makes sense for the output medium and treats other formatting directives as no-ops. FatTable can be used to perform operations on data that are naturally best conceived of as tables, which in my experience is quite often. It can also serve as a foundation for providing reporting functions where flexibility about the output medium can be quite useful. Finally FatTable can be used within Emacs org-mode files in code blocks targeting the Ruby language. Org mode tables are presented to a ruby code block as an array of arrays, so FatTable can read them in with its .from_aoa constructor. A FatTable table can output as an array of arrays with its .to_aoa output function and will be rendered in an org-mode buffer as an org-table, ready for processing by other code blocks.
Sort yours models with mongoid or active_record, jquery.ui.sortable
Tracks the number of active objects during a certain time period in a Redis sorted set.
Sort a collection of objects using one or more of the attributes of your object.
Friendly and easy sort
Easily apply sorting to your Rails controller actions.