Storable: Marshal Ruby classes into and out of multiple formats (yaml, json, csv, tsv)
This set of commands converts a CSV file to the following formats: - .strings (iOS) - .xml (Android) - .json - .php
included to format values into json, tsv or csv
Ruby object mapper and serializer for XML, JSON, TOML, CSV and YAML.
This simple plugin gives you the ability to call to_csv to a collection of activerecords. The builder options are the same as to_json / to_xml, except for the :include.
Manage your data dictionary as a JSON repository, and easily export back to CSV.
csvjson - read tabular data in the CSV <3 JSON format, that is, comma-separated values CSV (line-by-line) records with javascript object notation (JSON) encoding rules
Format cli output in different ways: tab, table, csv, json, etc
AdLocalize produces localization files from platform agnostic wording. Supported wording format : CSV. Supported export format: iOS, Android, JSON and YAML
LiquiDoc conveniently harnesses the power of Liquid templates, flat-file data formats such as YAML, JSON, XML, and CSV, as well as AsciiDoc markup and powerful Asciidoctor output capabilities -- all in a single command-line tool.
JSON to CSV conversion tool with user friendly CLI
A simple class to generate CSV strings (or files) given a JSON object or valid JSON string.
tb is a manipulation tool for tables. tb provides a command and a library for manipulating tables: Unix filter like operations (sort, cat, cut, ls, etc.), SQL like operations (join, group, etc.), other table operations (search, gsub, rename, cross, melt, unmelt, etc.), information extractions (git, svn, tar), and more. tb supports various table formats: CSV, TSV, JSON, NDJSON, LTSV, etc.
Applocale is a localization tool, It can convert file between string and xlsx ,csv, also support download xlsx or csv from google. You can also setup conversion logic for string value of each project. Support ios, android and json format.
A set of methods to query the KNMI HTTP get form for daily climate data and select a variety of measured parameters, from available stations, in a json style array of hashes, and if necessary convert to csv.
Gattica is a easy to use Ruby Gem for getting data from the Google Analytics API. It supports metrics, dimensions, sort, filters, goals, and segments. It can handle accounts with 1000+ profiles, and can return data in CSV, Hash, or JSON
MakeExportable is a Rails gem/plugin to assist in exporting application data as CSV, TSV, JSON, HTML, XML or Excel. Filter and limit the data exported using ActiveRecord. Export returned values from instance methods as easily as database columns.
Dump the Twitter streaming API to a CSV or JSON file and then filter, handle retweets, apply sentiment analysis, and more.
Gattica is a easy to use Ruby Gem for getting data from the Google Analytics API. It supports metrics, dimensions, sort, filters, goals, and segments. It can handle accounts with 1000+ profiles, and can return data in CSV, Hash, or JSON
ModelInfo provides the UI interface for the CRUD of all models (including engine's) and their associated models. It also enables the admin to download the CSV and JSON format data of all the Models and their associated Models.
Generate HTML or JSON, YAML, CSV from your Gemfile
A Ruby library for extracting data from websites and web based APIs. Supports most common document formats (i.e. HTML, XML, CSV, and JSON), and comes with a handy mechanism for iterating over paginated datasets.
Geoptima is a suite of applications for measuring and locating mobile/cellular subscriber experience on GPS enabled smartphones. It is produced by AmanziTel AB in Helsingborg, Sweden, and supports many phone manufacturers, with free downloads from the various app stores, markets or marketplaces. This Ruby library is capable of reading the JSON format files produced by these phones and reformating them as CSV, GPX and PNG for further analysis in Excel. This is a simple and independent way of analysing the data, when compared to the full-featured analysis applications and servers available from AmanziTel. If you want to analyse a limited amount of data in excel, or with Ruby, then this GEM might be for you. If you want to analyse large amounts of data, from many subscribers, or over long periods of time then rather consider the NetView and Customer IQ applications from AmanziTel at Current features available in the library and the show_geoptima command: * Import one or many JSON files * Organize data by device id (IMEI) into datasets * Split by event type * Time ordering and time correlation (associate data from one event to another): ** Add GPS locations to other events (time window and interpolation algorithms) ** Add signal strenth, battery level, etc. to other events * Export event tables to CSV format for further processing in excel * Make and export GPS traces in GPX and PNG format for simple map reports The amount of data possible to process is limited by memory, since all data is imported in ruby data structures for procssing. If you need to process larger amounts of data, you will need a database-driven approach, like that provided by AmanziTel's NetView and Customer IQ solutions. This Ruby gem is actually used by parts of the data pre-processing chain of 'Customer IQ', but it not used by the main database and statistics engine that generates the reports.
A library for converting json to csv...and back!
Nosy fetches, parses and searches the iPhone's SMS database that is created on your machine each time you make a backup. It can export to HTML, CSV, or JSON.
Twitter word clouds. Analyse the frequency of word occurrences for a user or list of users. Configurable - set the words to ignore, the range of dates to look at, and whether to include hashtags, @-mentions, and URLs. Customize your Twitter configuration, too. Sensible defaults are provided for all options. Look at the data in different ways. Easily convert and/or export to CSV and JSON. Change configuration options on the fly and re-audit with ease.
Auto-create json & xml APIs endpoints from csv files.
Provides API for building response based on ActiveRecord::Relation objects (json, csv, even using custom view builder). It makes much easier to fetch information from database for displaying it for example using JavaScript MV* based frameworks (such as Knockout, Backbone, Angular, etc), in csv format or even with any custom format. Tags: json, csv, grid, api, grid builder, activerecord relation builder, relation
Library to convert spreadsheets, microsoft xl, csv like documents to json
Detects input data(JSON,XML,CSV,Hash,Activerecord) and transforms it in a format chosen by the user (JSON,XML,Hash,CSV,Excel,YAML)
This set of commands converts a CSV file to the following formats: - .strings (iOS) - .xml (Android) - .json - .php
Converts CSV to JSON for influxdb
Gattica is a easy to use Ruby Gem for getting data from the Google Analytics API. It supports metrics, dimensions, sort, filters, goals, and segments. It can handle accounts with 1000+ profiles, and can return data in CSV, Hash, or JSON
Switch helps you add multiple languages to your site by leveraging the power of google spreadsheets. It is a commandline tool providing you with an easy way to automate the process and avoid common mistakes. The most common use case of switch is for switching between a locale representation in JSON/YAML to a CSV (spreadsheet) based one and vice-versa. # Install ``` gem install switch-cli ``` # Usage ``` switch json2csv [input-dir] [output-file] ``` Converts multiple json files to be a single csv file with columns for each file, with the file name as the column header. If you do not specify an input-dir it will be taken as ./locales and output-file would be the direcotry name + .csv. ``` switch csv2json [input-file] [output-dir] ``` Converts a single csv file into multiple json files, with a file for each column using the key and order columns to construct the files.
CSV converter to JSON, YAML, LTSV
A logstash plugin that can merge data from CSV, YAML, and JSON files with events.
The Bookmark Exporter CLI is a command-line tool for organizing and transferring bookmarks across multiple browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera. With just a few simple commands, export bookmarks in JSON, Markdown, CSV, and HTML formats. Ideal for automated scripts and command line users, it's fast and efficient.
Storable: Marshal Ruby classes into and out of multiple formats (yaml, json, csv, tsv)
Helper to process different types of files (JSON, CSV, etc..) line-by-line from the command line
Extremely simple Vagrant plugin that will output `global-status` in JSON instead of the current CSV format.
Extensible multi-file convertor. Simple text file, CSV file, JSON file, binary file and so on.
A basic, human readable (CSV, JSON) sitemap generator.
Map JSON fields into CSV columns easily
serve json and csv files on jekyll
Drop into a powerful REPL to inspect your Json, CSV, and HTML files.
serialize_with_coder is an ActiveRecord 2.x extended serialize function which acts like Rails 3.1 one - you can use custom coder as storing engine. Including 2 sample coders - CSV and JSON.
A library and commandline program for reading, writing, indexing, sorting, and merging CSV, TSV, JSON and other flat-file formats.
Import data from JSON or CSV files into mSewage (
sportdb-exporters - export helpers for sport.db data in various formats incl. json, csv, and friends
Gives you binary mysqlexport and Ruby classes to export mysql tables into csv and json files