Optional package containing example data of products, stores, shipping methods, categories and others to quickly setup a demo Spree store
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Amplify (Amplify). This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
Clamp provides an object-model for command-line utilities. It handles parsing of command-line options, and generation of usage help.
Sample data (including images) for use with Solidus.
Provides an integration for sending events to Amplitude
Official AWS Ruby gem for AmplifyBackend. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
Official AWS Ruby gem for AWS Amplify UI Builder. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
Regexp#examples returns a list of "all" strings that are matched by the regex. Regexp#random_example returns one, random string that matches.
Official AWS Ruby gem for AmazonConnectCampaignService. This gem is part of the AWS SDK for Ruby.
Format dates and times based on human-friendly examples, not arcane strftime directives.
Voight-Kampff detects bots, spiders, crawlers and replicants
miniature rails for anyone
Cramp is a framework for developing asynchronous web applications.
A suite for basic and advanced statistics on Ruby. Tested on CRuby 1.9.3, 2.0.0 and 2.1.1. See `.travis.yml` for more information. Include: - Descriptive statistics: frequencies, median, mean, standard error, skew, kurtosis (and many others). - Correlations: Pearson's r, Spearman's rank correlation (rho), point biserial, tau a, tau b and gamma. Tetrachoric and Polychoric correlation provides by statsample-bivariate-extension gem. - Intra-class correlation - Anova: generic and vector-based One-way ANOVA and Two-way ANOVA, with contrasts for One-way ANOVA. - Tests: F, T, Levene, U-Mannwhitney. - Regression: Simple, Multiple (OLS), Probit and Logit - Factorial Analysis: Extraction (PCA and Principal Axis), Rotation (Varimax, Equimax, Quartimax) and Parallel Analysis and Velicer's MAP test, for estimation of number of factors. - Reliability analysis for simple scale and a DSL to easily analyze multiple scales using factor analysis and correlations, if you want it. - Dominance Analysis, with multivariate dependent and bootstrap (Azen & Budescu) - Sample calculation related formulas - Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), using R libraries +sem+ and +OpenMx+ - Creates reports on text, html and rtf, using ReportBuilder gem - Graphics: Histogram, Boxplot and Scatterplot.
Version Control in Ruby. Mercurial Compatible. Big Ideas.
Given/When/Then steps for RSpec examples
DataMapper plugin for magical timestamps
A Jekyll plugin to generate Accelerated Mobile Pages.
This gem extends ActiveRecord::Base to add automatic updating of created_by and updated_by attributes of your models in much the same way that the ActiveRecord::Timestamp module updates created_(at/on) and updated_(at/on) attributes.
Basecamp API wrapper.
Userstamp for creator and updater columns using Mongoid
Why would you want to write { |x| x['one'] } when you can write &X['one'], why indeed.
This Rails plugin extends ActiveRecord::Base to add automatic updating of created_by and updated_by attributes of your models in much the same way that the ActiveRecord::Timestamp module updates created_(at/on) and updated_(at/on) attributes.
Ruby API for use with bitstamp.
MagicLamp provides an easy way to get your Rails templates into your JavaScript specs.
Eventmachine based Campfire bot framework
See http://www.activecampaign.com/api/overview.php for more information
fluentd plugin to pickup sample data from matched massages
capistrano-tinder is a very simple library for making a Campfire room accessible from capistrano. All it does is provide said access, and nothing more, preferring to let other gems do that trickery.
RailsAmp is a Ruby on Rails plugin that makes it easy to build views for AMP(Accelerated Mobile Pages).
An IRC to Campfire bridge for IRC-based access to campfire chatrooms
Implement basecamp style subdomain authentication with support for multiple users under a single subdomain scoped account.
Tiny Campfire Ruby client so you can get on with it.
A client for The New York Times Campaign Finance API
A simple ruby wrapper for the ActiveCampaign API
AmplifyJS is a set of components designed to solve common web application problems with a simplistic API.
Easily reference and include a Github repo file in your post.
This gem extends ActiveRecord::Base to add automatic updating of created_by and updated_by attributes of your models in much the same way that the ActiveRecord::Timestamp module updates created_(at/on) and updated_(at/on) attributes.
Install gsl, statistics2 and provides a C extension to optimize the following methods * Vector#frecuencies * Vector#set_valid_data * Vector#check_type * Dataset#case_as_hash * Dataset#case_as_array * Bivariate::Tetrachoric
custom cucumber formatters which append timestamps to each scenario's name as it is executed
Super cool PDF templates using iText's PdfStamper. == CAVEAT: Anything super cool must have a caveat. You have to use JRuby or RJB. Plus you can only use Adobe LiveCycle Designer to create the templates. == EXAMPLE: pdf = PDF::Stamper.new("my_template.pdf") pdf.text :first_name, "Jason" pdf.text :last_name, "Yates" pdf.image :photo, "photo.jpg" pdf.save_as "my_output.pdf"
Polychoric and Tetrachoric extensions for Statsample::Bivariate.
An implementation of The Web Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP)
THIS GEM IS STILL IN DEVELOPMENT STAGE. Find documentation here: https://github.com/leandrosardi/pampa.
Sync user emails with Campaign Monitor mailing lists
Adds extensions to Array, Date, Enumerable, File, Hash, IO, String, Time, etc.
Ruby gem for Iamport
An unrestictive way to deploy using gitflow and capistrano
Users can browse locations by country, city, and state and search locations by string or zip code. Administrators can manage locations and the services they offer.
Statsample-GLM is an extension to Statsample, an advance statistics suite in Ruby. This gem includes modules for Regression techniques such as Poisson and Logistic Regression using the IRLS algorithm and Logistic, Probit and Normal Regression using the Newton Raphson algorithm.