Tokens are a usefull way to give users access to an application. This can be for a limited time or just once. Just think of password resets, changing email, protected rss feed urls, timed out private links
Gathers disasters from Reliefweb via RSS and presents them as a Disaster hashie
Queries Zazzle RSS feed for data.
smoke is a Ruby based DSL that allows you to query web services such as YQL, RSS / Atom and JSON or XML in an elegant manner.
Enable starndard bundled RSS library to use Nokogiri as a parser.
A library designed to help fetch and parse podcast RSS feeds.
Ruby library for fetching (http-access2) and parsing (feed-normalizer) RSS (and Atom) feeds.
Pavlov's RSS
Strict RSS 2 podcast parsing with Feedzirra
A public facing noticeboard which is centered around an RSS feed.
A Solidus extension that provides an RSS feed for products, with support for Google Merchant Feed.
Adds support for all GeoRSS dialects in FeedTools
IMAPToRSS turns messages on an IMAP server into RSS entries when the match a handler. Included handlers work for email from Amazon, HSBC and UPS. IMAPToRSS automatically loads handlers for any other mail.
Web interface for Feedcellar is a full-text searchable RSS feed reader by Rroonga.
== DESCRIPTION: websitary (formerly known as websitiary with an extra "i") monitors webpages, rss feeds, podcasts etc. It reuses other programs (w3m, diff etc.) to do most of the actual work. By default, it works on an ASCII basis, i.e. with the output of text-based webbrowsers like w3m (or lynx, links etc.) as the output can easily be post-processed. It can also work with HTML and highlight new items. This script was originally planned as a ruby-based websec replacement. By default, this script will use w3m to dump HTML pages and then run diff over the current page and the previous backup. Some pages are better viewed with lynx or links. Downloaded documents (HTML or ASCII) can be post-processed (e.g., filtered through some ruby block that extracts elements via hpricot and the like). Please see the configuration options below to find out how to change this globally or for a single source. This user manual is also available as PDF[]. == FEATURES/PROBLEMS: * Handle webpages, rss feeds (optionally save attachments in podcasts etc.) * Compare webpages with previous backups * Display differences between the current version and the backup * Provide hooks to post-process the downloaded documents and the diff * Display a one-page report summarizing all news * Automatically open the report in your favourite web-browser * Experimental: Download webpages on defined intervalls and generate incremental diffs.
OPDS parser and maker
Dead simple feed persistance... because you shouldn't need a MySQL server just to include a few RSS items on a page
This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipeline using $LS_HOME/bin/logstash-plugin install gemname. This gem is not a stand-alone program
Rails middleware for observing of RSS changes around a request.
Imap-feeder pushes entries from RSS and Atom feeds to an IMAP server.
Nice and simple RSS and atom feed parsing built on hpricot
Feedalizer is a *small* Ruby library that glues together Hpricot with the standard RSS library in a way that makes it easy to transform web pages into RSS feeds. If you ask me, it makes it *too* easy.
Parallel rss fetching
Fetches everything form non conform rss stream
FeedSearcher searches RSS feed URLs from the given URL.
Tool for translation friends into RSS-feed
A Gem that Parses your Medium RSS Feed and displays it on your Jekyll Site.
Ruby library for parsing RSS feeds.
Notifies RSS updates via Pushbullet and Email
Generates an RSS XML stylesheet using a kind of Slim template
Gem for retrieving entries from RSS feeds given the URL of a feed or website
A static site feed reader
Spud blogging/news and rss engine.
Pismo extracts and retrieves content-related metadata from HTML pages - you can use the resulting data in an organized way, such as a summary/first paragraph, body text, keywords, RSS feed URL, favicon, etc.
Download screencasts from Destroy All Software catalog. Uses the rss feed plus Mechanize to log you in and then download new movies to your local drive.
Fetches RSS feeds from a Polyrex file and displays each feed summary on an HTML page
A simple, flexible, extensible, and liberal RSS and Atom reader for Ruby. It is designed to be backwards compatible with the standard RSS parser, but will never do RSS generation.
Create RSS feeds from Ruby collections.
Parse and access RSS/RDF/Atom feeds with a uniform interface.
Given an RSS feed, make a tumblr-like site out of it. Uses Sinatra & Rack, inspired by Dumble.
A Ruby Gem For Watching RSS Feeds
Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons for Rails is based on RRSSB from KNI Labs
Simple fetcher of HDbits private RSS stream
Fluent input plugin to fetch RSS feed items.
A simple, flexible, and extensible RSS and Atom parser for Ruby. Based on the popular SimpleRSS library, but with many nice extra features.
Rails Engine to retrieve and cache rss feeds
A concise and easy-to-use Ruby library that connects ActiveRecord to the Sphinx search daemon, managing configuration, indexing and searching.
Download an RSS feed and push an email template into your hosted sendy app
XOXO is a Ruby XOXO parser and generator. It provides a Ruby API similar to Marshal and YAML (though more specific) to load and dump XOXO[], a simple, open outline format written in standard XHTML and suitable for embedding in (X)HTML, Atom, RSS, and arbitrary XML.
Create full text RSS feed from RSS