AnyChart will build the necessary XML files and some helpers to support some AnyChart charts
Chart Candy use D3.js library to quickly render AJAX charts in your Rails project. In a minimum amount of code, you should have a functional chart, styled and good to go.
Generate XLS files using ruby. Rubyxls provides a simple DSL to express anything from simple ruby strings to complex Active Record models. Support for multi-sheet workbooks, chart generation, and formula based cells included.
Minimalistic wrapper around chartkick to use it within IRuby
Generate mini charts with SVG
Cryptocoincharts API Ruby wrapper for
barcharts - print barcharts in your terminal in ascii or with unicode block elements
Simplifies using Chart.js in Rails
Charts for Beardley
Volt component providing reactive Ruby wrapping of Highcharts + Highstock javascript library.
A tool for creating and checking helm chart snapshots.
Dynamic Ruby Reporting Engine with support for Charts.
Basic charts based on d3 & d3-tip with consistent tooltips for all charts
Draw charts using SVG.
Helper functions for getting your Rails database hooked up to Chartio
Provides a wrapper for API.
Generates HTML files with case execution time charts for recurrent RSpec tests
This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
get billboard chart
Generate cool stats about Git repositories
Generate UML-style state charts from AASM state machines
dygraphs is an open source JavaScript library that produces produces interactive, zoomable charts of time series. It is designed to display dense data sets and enable users to explore and interpret them. This gem packages the library for the Rails 3.1+ asset pipeline.
ruby-googlechart is yet another wrapper around the Google Charts API
Extended version of Google MarkerClusterPlus, which extends representation of cluster with various types of infographics like charts, table, infoboxes, and etc.
Ruby wrapper around the Google Charts API
Defines Array#to_chart that will accept ActiveRecord result sets and render them as a chart. Currently assumes Highcharts ( as the charting engine.
Add easily beautiful charts with xCharts into a Rails application
Frappé Charts Ruby gem for Rails.
Jekyll block that renders date line charts based on textile-formatted tables
Provides a wrapper for chartjs for rails allowing full functionality
Seer is a lightweight, semantically rich wrapper for the Google Visualization API. It allows you to easily create a visualization of data in a variety of formats, including area charts, bar charts, column charts, gauges, line charts, and pie charts.
ChartJs with ruby.
Astromapper generates Traveller RPG Star Charts (from Sector to Domain).
Chartkick charts with extras
Hi all, This gem customizes the lazy high charts gem. Please check documentation for the steps
xlsx spreadsheet generation with charts, images, automated column width, customizable styles and full schema validation. Axlsx helps you create beautiful Office Open XML Spreadsheet documents ( Excel, Google Spreadsheets, Numbers, LibreOffice) without having to understand the entire ECMA specification. Check out the README for some examples of how easy it is. Best of all, you can validate your xlsx file before serialization so you know for sure that anything generated is going to load on your client's machine.
The code has been translated from the work of Sveinn Steinarsson in his plugin for Flot charts. More information is available on [his page](, and you can find the thesis describing the algorithm [here](
THIS VERSION IS RUBY 1.9.x COMPATIBLE! Gem version of SVG:::Graph. SVG:::Graph is a pure Ruby library for generating charts, which are a type of graph where the values of one axis are not scalar. SVG::Graph has a very similar API to the Perl library SVG::TT::Graph, and the resulting charts also look the same. This isn't surprising, because SVG::Graph started as a loose port of SVG::TT::Graph, although the internal code no longer resembles the Perl original at all.
Per-Model HighCharts for Rails Admin
A Rails engine to generate simple web-based reports with charts
Flowchart is a StateFlow(states-actions-transitions) and WorkFlow(users-assigned-assigners) process design for Non-ActiveRecord and ActiveRecord Model in Ruby or Rails
Rails engine for interactive charts for rails apps.
Use Google Charts easily within your Rails or Sinatra project or anywhere really
Retrieve up to 100 stock quotes per query with the following variables - symbol, pretty_symbol, symbol_lookup_url, company, exchange, exchange_timezone, exchange_utc_offset, exchange_closing, divisor, currency, last, high, low, volume, avg_volume, market_cap, open, y_close, change, perc_change, delay, trade_timestamp, trade_date_utc, trade_time_utc, current_date_utc, current_time_utc, symbol_url, chart_url, disclaimer_url, ecn_url, isld_last, isld_trade_date_utc, isld_trade_time_utc, brut_last, brut_trade_date_utc, brut_trade_time_utc and daylight_savings - per stock. Extended for use with keystats and stocks Yahoo tables. Will upgrade it for use with Yahoo options tables soon.
Create little svg pill charts
Uses GithubChart to convert a liquid tag into a Github contribution SVG
Solid chart framework to use Chart.js with Rails
Gem for working with the ChartMogul API
lazy_high_charts is a Rails 3.x gem for displaying Highcharts graphs.
A simple rubygem to retrieve itunes charts from