Bootstrap is Twitter's toolkit for kickstarting CSS for websites, apps, and more. It includes base CSS styles for typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation, alerts, and more.
Improve web typography using various text filters. This gem prevents widows and applies markup to ampersans, consecutive capitals and initial quotes.
This gem makes text more readable by applying some typographic rules to string.
Academic is a Jekyll theme with a focus on simplicity, typography and flexibility.
A Jekyll plugin that improves the typography of your Liquid templates.
A complete framework for working with typography in sass.
A simple starter theme with an ITCSS Sass files organisation, a flexbox grid and modular typography
Bootstrap is Twitter's toolkit for kickstarting CSS for websites, apps, and more. It includes base CSS styles for typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation, alerts, and more.
Shevy is a small Sass library for simple, configurable typography with perfect vertical rhythm.
TypoHero improves web typography by applying various filters (similar to rubypants, typogruby, typogrify).
Improves typography (quotes, hyphens, etc.) of a given string. Works well with I18n.
A string converter aiming to correct the typography of plain text.
This gem makes text more readable by applying some typographic rules to string. This is a fork of original typography gem.
flowtype.js is Responsive web typography at its finest: font-size and line-height based on element width. This gem easily includes it to use rails asset pipeline.
A typography-focused theme based on Tale by Chester How.
a flexi grid and typography to create web layouts, mobile first friends,....
A pure Ruby implementation of Typeset.js, an HTML pre-processor for web typography
golden ratio typography for compass
Typie helps you create kits with custom domains for each of your users' custom domains. This allows hosting user websites with badass typography, easily.
Responsive typography foundation with vertical rhythm
Superwriter is a minimalistic Jekyll theme for bloggers with post hero image and well thought typography.
Kramdown extension for Jekyll, which improves plain text typography.
Modular, responsive, scalable typography
apply some basic typography rules to text
flexi grids and flexi typography.
Shoestrap is a small subset of Bootstrap 3 with only core grid system, typography and layout components.
Lightweight typography helper for Russian language
Academic is a Jekyll theme with a focus on simplicity, typography and flexibility.
This typographer is able to work with strings and typography text according to specified parameters.
A typography focussed theme for NestaCMS.