Fusuma is multitouch gesture recognizer. This gem makes your touchpad on Linux able to recognize swipes or pinchs and assign command to them. Read installation on Github(https://github.com/iberianpig/fusuma#installation).
Adds touch gestures simulation to Watir, Selenium and Capybara using YUI JS.
ProMotion DSL integration with MMDrawerController cocoapod providing a left and/or right 'slide' out menu complete with gestures for reveal/hide.
fusuma-plugin-appmatcher is Fusuma plugin for assigning gesture mapping per application.
ProMotion DSL integration with PKRevealController cocoapod providing a left and/or right 'slide' out menu complete with gestures for reveal/hide.
ReactiveCocoa is an amazing system, and RubyMotion could benefit from the lessons learned there! Motion-Wiretap is, essentially, a wrapper for Key-Value coding and observation. It exposes a +Wiretap+ class that you can use as a signal, or add listeners to it. Extensions are provided to listen to an +Array+ of +Wiretap+ objects, and the `UIKit`/`AppKit` classes are augmented to provide actions as events (gestures, mouse events, value changes).
Multimodal systems realizing a combination of speech, gesture and graphical-driven interaction are getting part of our everyday life. Examples are in-car assistance systems or recent game consoles. Future interaction will be embedded into smart environments offering the user to choose and to combine a heterogeneous set of interaction devices and modalities based on his preferences realizing an ubiquitous and multimodal access. This framework enables the modeling and execution of multimodal interaction interfaces for the web based on ruby and implements a server-sided synchronisation of all connected modes and media. Currenlty the framework considers gestures, head movements, multi touch and the mouse as principle input modes. The priciple output media is a web application based on a rails frontend as well as sound support based on the SDL libraries. Building this framework is an ongoing effort and it has to be pointed out that it serves to demonstrate scientific research results and is not targeted to we applied to serve productive systems as they are several limitations that need to be solved (maybe with your help?) like for instance multi-user support and authentification. The MINT core gem contains all basic AUI and CUI models as well as the basic infrastructure to create interactors and mappings. For presenting the user interface on a specific platform a "frontend framework" is required. For the first MINT version (2010) we used Rails 2.3 (See http://github.com/sfeu/MINT-rails). The current version uses nodeJS and socketstream as the frontend framework (See http://github.com/sfeu/MINT-platform). The MINT-platform project contains installation instructions. There is still no further documentation for the framework, but a lot of articles about the concepts and theories of our approach have already been published and can be accessed from our project site http://www.multi-access.de .
As an alternative to the gesture driven content selection on the wall guests may use an tablet-PC version of the content load application. After content selection the android handset must by adssociated with the selection for which the tablet PC has an USB RFID sensor installed. This gem now implements the RFID GOM sensor node mapping code which runs on the tablet PC.
Allows text,cufon,gestures,easing,parser,freedrawing,interaction,serialization,image_filters,gradient,pattern,shadow on HTML5 canvas with FabricJs.
Recognition for 2d gestures from a stream of points using dynamic time warping
You can gesture require or not in ruby script. ☑ or ☐.
The kinectable gem implements a simple DSL for using a Kinect to recognize gestures.
Super lightweight (~600 bytes) jQuery plugin to enable swipe gestures for Bootstrap 3 carousels on iOS and Android.
Allows to recognize tap-and-hold gesture
HTML to PDF engine