Rack::GridServe is a Rack middleware for serving files stored in MongoDB GridFS. It is meant as a simple replacement for Rack::GridFS until it is ready for Mongo driver version 2.0 and above.
A compass extension for GIPainter theme | grid
Plugin for Mongomatic to attach files via Grid
The 960 Grid System is an effort to streamline web development workflow by providing commonly used dimensions, based on a width of 960 pixels. http://960.gs/
SASS mixins for easy implementation of The Golden Grid System http://goldengridsystem.com/ and Frameless http://framelessgrid.com/
Through the creation of multiple environments this library allows for the distribution of multiple tests across 1 or more devices or simulators. The library uses Selenium Grid and Appium to launch a specified number of web driver and appium instances to distribute the RSpec test load across available devices
Provides API for building response based on ActiveRecord::Relation objects (json, csv, even using custom view builder). It makes much easier to fetch information from database for displaying it for example using JavaScript MV* based frameworks (such as Knockout, Backbone, Angular, etc), in csv format or even with any custom format. Tags: json, csv, grid, api, grid builder, activerecord relation builder, relation
An SCSS grid library.
Encode/decode between lat/lng locations and US GridSquare references
Looks for USB Connected devices and registers them as Appium Nodes on Selenium Grid
This is a simple semantic grid for SASS based on the popular 960.gs.
A tool for analysing and comparing grid-based AAC board sets
Do not try and bend the grid. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth: There is no grid. Then you'll see, that it is not the grid that bends; it is only yourself.
Generating grids of shapes based on twisty puzzles
Lets you easily using SCSS create responsive, mobile first layouts with minimal footprint in an unobtrusive way! Longitude is more a collection of calculations than just a normal CSS grid. It lets you define how elements will be styled based on your class hierarchy, not the framework's.
52 is an HTML5 and CSS3 grid cross-browser framework.
A bootstrap inspired grid system kit for Compass.
A fixed sidebar, two column masonry grid jekyll theme.
This gem extends simple_calendar to be able to display events in a 24h grid sized according to the respective start and end times
A simplified version of the Skeleton grid system
A collection of SCSS tools for creating responsive websites. Includes a simple but powerful grid framework, media query helpers and sprite helpers.
Gem that gives you css foundation to start your frontend work. It has reset.css, grids, utility classes and realy handy mixins included.
Less Frameworks is an adaptive CSS grid system, helps to make responsive website. This gem provides Less Framwork for your Rails 3 projects. Learn more about Less framwork at http://lessframework.com/
The objective of Ronin is to provide a framework for developing flexible, responsive web designs that are compatible back to IE7. Ronin aims to be somewhat of a "framework framework", meaning that it is column-count- and width-agnostic. It makes no assumptions about the preferred maximum width of a design or the number of columns.
This is a Ruby gem that implemented a series of OpenStudio measures for grid-interactive efficient buildings as well as a measure for reporting and visualization.
Adds both /products.xml and /t/taxon.xml product feeds
Vizir is a simple Ruby script for Mac OS X that monitors your interactive jobs on Grid'5000. It triggers Growl notifications when your reservations are going to terminate, allowing you to save your work and/or your deployed environments.
This gem uses jQuery Data Tables to generate grids in Ruby on Rails applications
Entries in a flatfile will be parased by the BioRuby's Bio::FlatFile.auto module. These entries are used as queries for the Sun Grid Engine (SGE) system. Huge amount of queries are automatically splitted into subdirectories. With a specified command line to be executed, queries are submited to the SGE as an array job.
Grid User interface for Next-L Enju
Jekyll plugin to generate contributors pics grid
A simple grid module that loudly uses all of the gridcli hooks.
A simple relible float based grid system
Comprehensive library for self-descriptive gridded physical data (in NetCDF, GrADS, or on memory) with graphics. This version works with Ruby 2.0.
A Rails plugin that contains helpers for Bootstrap Grid
A simple grid for Heroku, with a Rails engine.
A lightweight use-it-as-you-need-it responsive grid system.
A Guilded (http://github.com/midas/guilded/tree/master) Rails component that generates a rich grid control from an ActiveRecord collection.
Algorithmically generate CSS grids
Whether you're developing a small single page site or architecting a large scale responsive grid system, Gridgraphy will help you get the job done faster.
Convert coordinates between geodetic WGS84 and Swedish grid RT90 and SWEREF99 systems.
a flexi grid and typography to create web layouts, mobile first friends,....
Extend the workarea platform with functionality to add content to the product grid
custom compass mixins & getskeleton/responsify responsive grid || GetSkeleton 960 http://getskeleton.com/ || GetSkeleton 1200 https://github.com/theresponsiveness/GetSkeleton1200 |- Responsify http://app.responsify.it/
NOTE: If you are looking for the dependency management software, that's bundler, not bundlr. Bundlr is a ruby distributed computing and data indexing research platform. It is inspired by projects like BOINC, the Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing, an open-source middleware system that supports volunteer and grid computing. Bundlr is a similar system that approved research projects can use to both obtain compute power, but also obtain access to a variety of computing environments and systems and perform data collection and indexing across volunteer-supplied data. It is still in the early stages of conception.
Grid data structure
Generates Rails code implementing an Ajax based CRUD grid for a single table.
Plugin for various Mongo ODMs to attach files via GridFS
A Jekyll CSVY converter that uses Pandoc grid tables.
Omnigrid is a rails engine that acts as a facade to some popular grid system (Bluprint, 960, 1140) to instantely provide a structured/wireframed layout to work on.