Custom layouts.
DynamicMatic is a tiny Sinatra extension that integrates Sinatra with StaticMatic. It allows most of your site to be static while having a few dynamic pages that can use the StaticMatic layouts and partials.
Makes Berkshelf more friendly to chef-solo by generating chef-solo folder layout
For adding layouts and files to sites easily
Applies ERB template processing to a Latex file and compiles it to a PDF. Supports layouts, partials, and string escaping. Also supplies a Guard task to watch for modifications and auto-building files.
AwesomeAdminLayout provides a simple way to add admin panel layout to your application.
This Widget allows you to use a two-column layout and fill it with widgets.
A rails engine that provides a helper which writes (hopefully) correctly formatted applinks meta tags into your layout
### Project Discontinued### define a new layout and change asset manager defaults to get advantage of skeleton (,Damian Le Nouaille HTML5S ( and knockout (
An easy way to create HTML and plain text emails using Markdown markup and Liquid layouts.
Generates basic beef layout
CSS Waxer refactors CSS files bringing the focus on properties, rather than on selectors. Typically, CSS files are written by groups of selectors, you first specify all the properties of <body>, then those of <h1>, #header, and so on. This makes it hard to catch a glimpse of the overall style of a site, such as the entire list of colors used, the fonts, or the dimensions. CSS Waxer reorders the lines of a CSS files so that properties are grouped together by family. In this way, you can rapidly check together all the fonts used, the colors, backgrounds, layouts and so on for the whole site.
Creates a basic repository layout for a new gem
Sinatra::Head provides class methods and helpers for dynamically controlling the fields in your <HEAD> element that are usually preset in your layout: the page title, stylesheet and javascript assets, etc. Asset lists are inherited throughout superclasses, subclasses, and within action methods, and basic asset path management is supported.
Admin panel layout engine
Do not try and bend the grid. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth: There is no grid. Then you'll see, that it is not the grid that bends; it is only yourself.
Adds a global key-value-store to Rails applications and allows adding typed columns to model classes without having to change the database layout.
'Razor is a static website generator. Describe layouts and pages in ruby. Write them with html and Mustache. The concept behind razor is simple : layouts are described by classes, nested layouts by subclasses and pages by instances of these classes.'
Adds search feature for pages, snippets, layouts, et al.
Allows for easy embedding of content from a remote HTTP server and exporting of the Rails HTML layout into another template.
Generates a layout based on
Salsa is a simple yet very smart and flexible fluid layout system.
A DSL for creating layouts easily in RubyMotion. Also comes bundled with a set of categories to make life easier. I'm using the word category from objective-c land which is basically the same as re-opening classes in ruby :D.
Generate error pages with layout and internationalization in your Rails application
A Layout of a Terminal for a webpage
Mount this gem into your app to automatically have access to screens that list and create comments on any of your resources that use acts_as_commentable. Those screen will be inserted in your current app layout. You can call the routes of the gem with ajax passing a parent div where you want the response to be inserted.
Rucola is an extension for RubyCocoa. It has a application skeleton generator and builds an "opinionated" application layout, like the one known from rails. And comes with RubyCocoa specific rake tasks.
A basic UI layout and object oriented CSS components we use for rapid development. Basically, this saves us time from having to rehash everything over, and over, and over...
Design the layout of a project and have it ready for coding.
Collection of utility, configuration, etc., for admin areas in a Rails application. Provides a boostrap environment, standard layout, authentication, and more.
RTLize is a rails plugin that semi-automatically allows you to use the same stylesheet file(s) to produce both left-to-right and right-to-left layouts for your markup. It does this by intelligently switching all the left/right properties and values in the stylesheets you choose to RTLize.
Extends Trusty CMS Layouts to support multiple sites, defined by domain
Layout dos sistemas UENF.
This is jekyll theme template designed for conference website hosted by institute and colleges. create markdown files … in the root directory and change theme in gem file as `` © 2018 . I has one fullwidth layout, and fullwidthhome layout
This theme integrates bootstrap-rtl 3.7, uses jalali dates and comes with a custom layout
** NOTE - This gem depends on e9_base, but does not reference it. It WILL NOT FUNCTION for apps which aren't built on the e9 Rails 3 CMS ** == E9Polls Provites a Poll renderable for the e9 Rails 3 CMS. == Installation 1. Include the gem and run the install generator to copy over the necessary files, then migrate. rails g e9_polls:install This will install the db migration, the JS and CSS required for the plugin to function properly, and an initializer. Modify the CSS as you see fit and the JS as required (carefully). Check out the initializer and modify if necessary. For non-Ajax fallbacks it uses the 'application' layout. This should be changed if the app doesn't use application layout as a sensible default. 2. Migrate the database. rake db:migrate 3. Finally, include the generated javascript and css (e9_polls.js and e9_polls.css) in the fashion suited to the app. 4. There is no #4.
EdgeLayouts is a layout engine for faster starting up applications
Quickly add a nice layout
Allows customization of: * Specify which level of notification you would like with an array of optional styles of notification (email, webhooks) * the sender address of the email * the recipient addresses * the text used to prefix the subject line * the HTTP status codes to notify for * the error classes to send emails for * alternatively, the error classes to not notify for * whether to send error emails or just render without sending anything * the HTTP status and status code that gets rendered with specific errors * the view path to the error page templates * custom errors, with custom error templates * define error layouts at application or controller level, or use the controller's own default layout, or no layout at all * get error notification for errors that occur in the console, using notifiable method * Override the gem's handling and rendering with explicit rescue statements inline. * Hooks into `git blame` output so you can get an idea of who (may) have introduced the bug * Hooks into other website services (e.g. you can send exceptions to to site layouts
A shared layout so that your suite of applications can have the same look and feel.
Use Great Pretender to easily add layout-specific mockups in a Rails app without having to recreate the mockup wheel. Your design should be happening in-browser; this will help you get there.
Provides Raconteur tags and front-end code for general-purpose page layouts
Keyboard Battle compares the performance of keyboard layouts according to reach effort and alternation effort.
This Widget allows you to use a three-column layout and fill it with widgets.
Css Image Embedder puts your background files directly into corresponding CSS file. Thanks to that - your server needs to handle fewer requests and the page layout renders smoothly (whole stylesheet at once).
This is a layout gem intended as a backdrop for developing rails applications quickly. Its intention is to speed initial development, removing the need for any intensive front-end development until the app is functional.
An extension to PrawnRails, making form layouts easier.
Provides a simple Ruby DSL for defining HTML5 layouts for web apps. For those who has written the same layout too many times.
Text layout engine for CUI apps with a pretty table.