Comprehensive solution for multi-level horizontal navigation bars.
An internal component of the NCS Navigator suite, this gem provides a common view onto shared configuration elements.
Piggybak Taxonomy - navigation support for Piggybak.
Stepper is multistep form (wizard) solution for Rails 3. Stepper allows you to split up your large form into series of pages that users can navigate through to complete the form and save it state.
scRUBYt! is an easy to learn and use, yet powerful and effective web scraping framework. It's most interesting part is a Web-scraping DSL built on HPricot and WWW::Mechanize, which allows to navigate to the page of interest, then extract and query data records with a few lines of code. It is hard to describe scRUBYt! in a few sentences - you have to see it for yourself!
Navigating noise in your log files can be like trying to cross a busy road and avoid the cars. Frogger makes your log files more fun by adding some good ol' 8 bit color and a bit of formatting.
Pageflow navigation widget.
Bootstrap is Twitter's toolkit for kickstarting CSS for websites, apps, and more. It includes base CSS styles for typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation, alerts, and more.
Independent, componentized, highly customizable, expandable javascript, css, font and image assets to simplify initial design of web elements such as buttons, forms, notifications, etc. Alchemy includes a set of Ruby on Rails specific functionality: Forms (with SimpleForm support), Predefined layout elements (header, navigation, footer) and layout structure.
Wayback machine to navigate GIT log, for real!
Amber is a super simple and super flexible static website generator with support for nice localization and navigation.
Menumatic is a Rails 3 gem which simplifies the development of complex website navigation, producing semantic, usable navigation menus. I got the idea for this gem during JRubyConf during Michael Feathers' talk. He made a point that software is alive and unlike biological systems, doesn't have an automatic way to kill off old 'cells'. This gem is to aid in finding old, potentially crufty areas of your project that may need to be killed off and remade, or at least looked at. Currently the gem alerts you to any lines that haven't been touched in at least a year. \ gem install apoptosis Navigate to a project directory which is also a git repository and run the command: apoptosis This command will create a file in the directory with a list of files and lines in your project which have not been touched in a year. The idea is that you should re-evaluate and/or refactor them.
Provide a real-time map of flight position in Flightgear. It is based on tiles from Openstreetmap with elevation shading, provides navigation aids and runways, allows setting of waypoints, sends these to Flightgear's route-manager and tracks the flight.
FancyOpenStruct is a subclass of OpenStruct, and is a variant of RecursiveOpenStruct. This allows you to convert nested hashes into a structure where keys and values can be navigated and modified via dot-syntax, like: = :something. This particular gem also adds support for Hash methods (such as length or merge), and also allows you to access and modify the data structure the same way that you would handle a normal Hash.
Currently alpha qualiy, use at your own risk.
Allows a hash to be navigated with dot notation or indifferent access.
A gem to help navigate the BBC Redux API
dotpath gives you utilities to navigate and modify hashes and arrays in Ruby with the JSON path to each value in the hash or array.
reusable menu for navigation and modification or hierarchical categories
Combines the 'newsletter' and 'mail_manager' gems with viable admin, login and navigation.
Helper to generate stateful navigation links.
Update your tags file when files change. tags files are used primarily with Vim as a navigation tool.
Collapsible navigation for Administrate
Infosimples::Data allows you to automate web site navigation.
This is a shared library which consume Staff Portal's authorization API and provides group membership information for the NcsNavigator portal and role authorization mapping for PSC.
View helpers for navigation menus. Build navigation menus from hash objects.
Very light-weight navigation
Active Navigation is Rails plugin that helps building navigation menus
This gem collects and summarises metrics speficied in the W3C Navigation web performance specifications at when using watir and a compatible browser
A jekyll plugin for building hierarchial navigation trees from pages.
This library provides a model to navigate through Chouette database.
Currently, ActiveAdmin resets the top navigation menu to display the sub navigation menu for all resources related to the parent resource. This gem adds a sub-navigation menu for those resources.
Pageflow navigation widget.
Replace Pageflow navigation with Scrollytelling navigation
Seiten lets you create static pages for your Rails project and provides you with some cool navigational helper likes breadcrumb or custom navigations.
Hooks turbolinks into a Jekyll site for faster navigation
With the simple-navigation gem installed you can easily create multilevel navigations for your Rails, Sinatra or Padrino applications. The navigation is defined in a single configuration file. It supports automatic as well as explicit highlighting of the currently active navigation through regular expressions.
A command line app for navigating Pivotal Tracker. WIP
TinyNavigation makes it easy to define site navigation using a small DSL.
Combine multiple pdf files into a single file with combined table of content for quick navigation
$Id: README.txt 204 2010-11-30 02:20:04Z pwilkins $ sm-transcript reads results of SLS processing and produces transcripts for the SpokenMedia browser. For each file in the source folder whose extension matches the source type, a file of destination type is created in the destination folder. All of these parameters have default values. Note: Examples of the commands you enter in the terminal are for *nix. The command prompt in the examples is: felix$ <command line> If you are a Windows user, make the usual adjustments. Requirements: sm-transcript is written in Ruby and packaged as a RubyGem. Since Ruby is not a compiled language, you will need to have Ruby installed on your machine to run sm-transcript. You can determine if Ruby is installed by typing "ruby -v" at a terminal prompt. It should return the version of Ruby that is installed. If Ruby is not installed on your machine, navigate to and follow the installation instructions. sm-transcript was developed using Ruby 1.8. Other Ruby versions have not been tested as of this release. Installation: You can get sm-transcript as either a RubyGem or as source from svn. The preferred way to install this package is as a Rubygem. You can download and install the gem with this command: felix$ sudo gem install [--verbose] sm-transcript This command downloads the most recent version of the gem from and makes it active. Previous versions of the gem remain installed, but are deactivated. You must use "sudo" to properly install the gem. If you execute "gem install" (omitting the "sudo") the gem is installed in your home gem repository and it isn't in your path without additional configuration. Note: You need sudo privileges to run the command as written. If you can't sudo, then you can install it locally and will need some additional configuration. Contact me (or your local Ruby wizard) for assistance. The executable is now in your path. You can cleanly uninstall the gem with this command: felix$ sudo gem uninstall sm-transcript If you have access to our svn repository, you are welcome to check out the code. Be warned that the trunk tip is not necessarily stable. It changes frequently as enhancements (and bug fixes) are added. (note that the 'smb_transcript' in the command line below is not a typo.) svn co svn+ssh:// sm_transcript build the gem by running this command from the directory you installed the source. This is what it looks like on my machine: felix$ rake gem The gem will be built and put in ./pkg You can now use the gem installation instructions above. Using the App: Run with no command line parameters, the app reads *.wrd files out of ./results and writes *.t1.html files to ./transcripts. These directories are relative to where sm_transcript is called. Note: destination files are overwritten without a warning prompt. If you want to preserve an existing output file, rename it before running the app again. For example, run the app by navigating to the bin folder and enter projects/sm_transcript/bin felix$ sm_transcript This command run from this folder will read *.wrd files from bin/results and write *-t1.html to bin/transcripts. Usage: sm_transcript [options] --srcdir PATH Read files from this folder (Default: ./results) --destdir PATH Write files to this folder (Default: ./transcripts) --srctype wrd | seg | txt | ttml | srt Kind of file to process (Default: wrd) --desttype html | ttml | datajs | json Kind of file to output (Default: html) -h, --help Show this message There is a serious gotch'a in specifying the srctype parameter: it must match the case of the file extension that you're processing. This means that if the srt files that you are processing have the extension .SRT, then you must specify the srctype as "SRT". Pretty lame, I know. I will update the gem with a fix shortly. My apologies until then. Troubleshooting: sm-transcript requires additional gems to operate. The RubyGem installation should install dependencies automatically, but when it doesn't, you get an error that includes ... no such file to load -- builder (LoadError) in the first few lines when you run sm-transcript, the problem is a missing dependent gem. (the error above indicates that the Builder gem is missing.) Try installing the missing gem. For the error above, the command looks like this on my computer: felix$ sudo gem install builder See "Required Gems" below for more information. A warning message such as: "WARNING: Nokogiri was built against LibXML version 2.7.6, but has dynamically loaded 2.7.7"" may be safely ignored. If you continue to have trouble, feel free to contact me. Upgrading: You can easily upgrade by simply executing the same command you used to install the gem. Running install again will add the newer version and make it active. By default the most recent version is used, but older versions are still available, simply inactive. If are using svn, you should already know what to do. Required Gems: builder - create structured data, such as XML extensions - added for the 'require_relative' command. (To get this command in Ruby 1.8 you need to install this gem, for Ruby 1.9 the command is already part of the core.) htmlentities - html parsing json - create JSON structured data nokogiri - xml parsing library optparse - option parsing of command line ostruct - open data structures ppcommand - pp is a pretty printer. It is used only for debugging rake - make for Ruby rubygems - support for gems (shouldn't be needed for Ruby 1.9) shoulda - enhancement for Test::Unit This command installs gems on OSX and Linux: felix$ sudo gem install <gem name> I recommend running the following command to update to latest version of rubygems before loading new gems. felix$ sudo gem update --system Unit Tests: You may run all unit tests by navigating to the test folder and running rake with no parameters (the default rake task runs all tests). On my computer, it looks like this: projects/sm_transcript/test felix$ rake Release Notes: Initial Version - runs under Ruby 1.8.x. version 0.0.4 - fixes bug when processing .WRD files with CRLF line endings. version 0.0.5 - removed due to posting error version 0.0.6 - added srctype of ttml and desttype of json, fixed bug where beginning time of word was actually for previous word. version 0.0.7 - added srt as srctype version 0.0.8 - fixed bug that dropped last phrase from transcripts version 1.0.0 - declared this version 1.0.0 to conform more closely with gem numbering conventions. All tests run successfully. To Do: - specify individual files for processing rather than folders - fix bug in srt processing: can't read Creole srt content. - allow user to modify the "t1" file extension for addition languages of the same transcript. - update code to run under Ruby 1.9
A stand-alone tool for isolating business logic from external interfaces and cross-cutting concerns. Navigable composes self-configured command and observer objects to allow you to extend your business logic without modifying it. Navigable is compatible with any Ruby-based application development framework, including Rails, Hanami, and Sinatra.
Scryglass is a ruby console tool for visualizing and actively exploring objects (large, nested, interrelated, or unfamiliar). You can navigate nested arrays, hashes, instance variables, ActiveRecord relations, and unknown Enumerable types like an expandable/collapsable file tree in an intuitive UI. Objects and child objects can also be inspected through a variety of display lenses, returned directly to the console, and more!
yard-slipstream is a yard plugin for Yard-0.5.3 and higher. Slipstream gives users an option for faster page navigation in their yard documents. We just want to optimize the most frequent lookups and remove any duplicate info. Other than that its just plain straight Yard, with all the same "look and feel" as the default template.
Easy path navigation for hashes
Can create navigation from objects using the nav builder,from database tables or from a yaml file
Navigation provides a way to generate navigation (with useful classes)
help build navigation for rails.
A library that provides additional introspection capabilities for Ruby programs (allows various queries on methods and classes)