= midna
Ruby interface to the Midna API. See the [Rdoc]http://rdoc.info/projects/tilsammans/midna on how to use it.
This gem chats with the Midna API so you don't have to. It will give you objects in the Midna namespace, which you can query like Active Record:
Information about a Broadcaster, such as AVRO
All series for the given Broadcaster
all channels
alphanumeric; like NL1
series ID from the omroep player
searches the Solr index by series name
aflevering/episode ID from the omroep player
all episodes for the given Series
all episodes for the given Series in the given time window
start and end are integers (unixtimes)
Midna::Episode.series_window(id, start, end)
all episodes for the given Series until the given time
start is an integer (unixtime) and defaults to the current time
Midna::Episode.series_until(id, start)
Midna::Episode.series_until(id, start, :page => 2)
all episodes for the given Series since the given time
start is an integer (unixtime) and defaults to the current time
Midna::Episode.series_since(id, start)
Midna::Episode.series_since(id, start, :page => 2)
code is Channel code
all broadcasts for the given Channel in the given time window
start and end are integers (unixtimes)
Midna::Broadcast.channel_window(id, start, end)
All of these methods will return hashes or arrays of hashes.
Also, Midna is Zelda's goth sister.
== Installation in Rails
Install this plugin as a gem.
For Rails 2, in config/environment.rb
config.gem 'midna'
For Rails 3, in Gemfile
gem 'midna'
Then run rake gems:install.
== Usage in plain Ruby
First install the gem on your machine like usual:
$ gem install midna
Use sudo if your setup requires it. After this you can require it in your code and work with Midna from there.
require 'rubygems'
require 'midna'
puts Midna::Channel.all
=> [{"name"=>"Nederland 1", "code"=>"NL1"}, {"name"=>"Nederland 2", "code"=>"NL2"}, {"name"=>"Nederland 3 & Z@pp", "code"=>"NL3"}]
== Configuration
If you are using rails, create a file called config/initializers/midna.rb with the following configuration. If you are using the gem, execute these lines before you first call any Midna objects.
The gem connects to midna.omroep.nl by default. You can override this by setting the +base_uri+:
Midna.base_uri = 'http://some.other.host'
== Prerequisites
The HTTparty[http://github.com/jnunemaker/httparty] gem.
gem install httparty
== Copyright
Copyright (c) 2010 Joost Baaij. See LICENSE for details.