= RbYAML - A pure Ruby YAML 1.1 loader and dumper
Project Contact: Ola Bini ola@ologix.com
The code is based mostly on the Python code written by Kirill Simonov xi@resolvent.net for PyYAML3000.
RbYAML is a project originating in the JRuby project (http://jruby.sourceforge.net), to create a pure Ruby
YAML parser for use in JRuby and SYCK cannot be used in this case.
Since the effort of writing a new one from scratch seemed like a major undertaking it seemed easier to
port an existing one.
The current functionality is more or less 1.1-compliant. What's missing is the Unicode-support. The idea
is to have the interface resemble SYCK as much as possible, but this is still work in progress, since some
of the major architectural choices are quite different.
== Use
Just require 'rbyaml' and use it as you would use YAML, but in module RbYAML instead:
require 'rbyaml'
RbYAML.load("--- \n- A\n- b\n- c\n") ----> ["A","b","c"]
"foo".to_yaml ----> "foo\n"
== More information
Visit http://rbyaml.rubyforge.org for more information and updated versions
== License
RbYAML is distributed with a MIT license, which can be found in the file LICENSE.