Remarkably can be used as template enginge generating HTML pages by
calling "pure" ruby methods, e.g.:
html do
header do
title "my header"
body do
h1 "big header"
ul do
(1..2).each do |n|
li "line #{n}"
This beautiful approach allows ruby control statements while generating
the desired page without the hassle other template engines have when
mixing HTML tags and ruby control.
A remarkably fact about Remarkably is, that is does not know anything
about HTML tags. It handles the generating of the desired page source by
using the ruby mechanism of the "method_missing" message: every(!) unkown
method will be recovered by generating appropriate HTML statements.
One of the consequences of approach is, that the parameters of such a "tag"
must follow some rules: it have to look like
sym(args, hash, &block)
that means, eventual arguments must be set before an eventual hash, which
sets the tag attributes, followed by an eventual block, which contains included
other tags.
Sounds terrible complicated, but it is not, e.g.: the ruby statement
a('Home', :href => "#{rs(:index)}")
will generate after the ruby interpolation
To generate an anchor with a graphic icon like
can be produced e.g. by
def gen_link(txt, href, icon)
a(:href => href, :title => txt) do
img(:src => icon, :border => 0, :alt => txt)
end # a
end # genlink
gen_link('Help', "#{rs(:help)}", 'icons/help.png')
You see, it is also possible to call methods when generating the page.
This shows another challenge: you can not generate a tag, which name
conflicts with a well known ruby method, e.g.:
p "this is some text"
will use the kernel method p to print the message to the console. To
generate a paragraph, you can use an upcase P like
P "this is another paragraph"
Dont worry, Remarkably uses .downcase when generating the code:
this is another paragraph
which keeps it XHTML conform.
The missing_method approach also has the consequence, that Reamrkably
can not check for valid HTML tags, e.g.:
xyz(:abc => "nonsens")
generates a syntatic correct, but semantic wrong output
So check careful the page source offered from your browser.
There are at least two differences to Markaby: the "syntactic" sugar
for .class and .id! is not supported, e.g.:
must be edited to
div(:class => 'myclass')
must be edited to
div(:id => 'myid')
To insert some (eventual ruby interpolated) text in the page use text(), e.g.:
To use Remarkably within Ramaze just set in your controller:
class Controller < Ramaze::Controller
helper :remarkably
engine :Remarkably
end # controller
and put your Remarkably files named *.rem into the view/ directory
To keep Ramaze happy, you should terminate your .rem files with the line: