AAlib-Ruby brings graphics to the text terminal. AAlib-Ruby provides both a
graphics context rendered as ascii-art and keyboard and mouse input.
AAlib-Ruby supports a number of text-only display drivers such as Curses,
SLang, and X11.
This is a DL based wrapper around the AA-lib C library. C struct alignment
issues may cause problems on certain platforms when accessing variables of
some objects.
Author:: Patrick Mahoney (mailto:pat@polycrystal.org)
Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2007 Patrick Mahoney
License:: Distributes under the same terms as Ruby
== Usage
First, AA-lib must be initialized with AAlib.init or AAlib.autoinit,
returning an AAlib::Context. Two buffers are maintained: the image buffer
and the text buffer. AAlib::Context#putpixel is the primary method to draw
on the image buffer. AAlib::Context#render converts the image buffer to
text, writing the result to the text buffer. Text may be written directly to
the text buffer using AAlib::Context#puts and similar. Note that text
written this way may be overwritten after a call to AAlib::Context#render.
Finally, AAlib::Context#flush writes the text buffer to the screen.
=== Example
require 'aalib'
hp = AAlib::HardwareParams.new
rp = AAlib::RenderParams.new
AAlib.parseoptions(hp, rp) or abort AAlib.help
aa = AAlib.autoinit(hp) or abort "failed to initialize AA-lib"
aa.autoinitkbd # set up keyboard support
# Fill screen with diagonal gradient
width = aa.imgwidth
height = aa.imgheight
height.times do |y|
width.times do |x|
aa.putpixel(x, y, 127*(x.to_f/width) + 127*(y.to_f/height))
rp.randomval = 25
msg = ' AA-lib: the ascii-art library '
blank = ' ' * msg.size
attr = AAlib::Attr::BOLD
col = (aa.scrwidth - msg.size)/2
row = aa.scrheight/2
aa.puts(col, row - 1, attr, blank)
aa.puts(col, row, attr, msg)
aa.puts(col, row + 1, attr, blank)
aa.getkey # wait for any key to exit