mobile = '1646xxxxxxx'
text = 'code is 19384'
type = 'OTP'
from = '1xxxxxxxxxx'
Aliyun::Sms.send_globle(mobile, text, from, type)
Aliyun::Sms Ruby Gem for Aliyun Short Message Service(aliyun-sms)
Comfortable to aliyun sms 2017-05-25 version api
Currently, aliyun has three services of short message,named:
- ali-dayu(阿里大于)
- aliyun-mq(阿里云消息队列)
- aliyun-sms(阿里云短信服务)
They all are usable, and will merge togather in future. But before merged, they are Independent, and every user only use one between them.
This gem only for aliyun-sms(阿里云短信服务), and you must confirm that you just use it. If you can't confirm, please see the document 阿里云短信业务说明 to get guidance.
Before use aliyun-sms, you must apply and open the aliyun-sms, and get the parameters as follows:
- ACCESS_KEY_SECRET: apply on aliyun console
- ACCESS_KEY_ID: apply on aliyun console
- SIGN_NAME: get when open the aliyun-sms
- TEMPLATE_CODE: get when open the aliyun-sms
Ruby Common Method
gem install aliyun-sms
Rails Method
Add in Gemfile :
gem 'aliyun-sms'
Run command:
Download Method
Clone and install by rake.
git clone https://github.com/VICTOR-LUO-F/aliyun-sms.git
cd aliyun-sms
rake build
rake install
Problem and Resolve
require 'aliyun/sms'
If you get a error as follows, when running above command:
./config/initializers/aliyun-sms.rb:1:in `<top (required)>': uninitialized constant Aliyun::Sms (NameError)
You could switch to github resource, and modify the the Rails Gemfile to:
gem 'aliyun-sms', '1.1.1', git: 'https://github.com/VICTOR-LUO-F/aliyun-sms.git'
Ruby Common Program(irb)
First Step:
$ require 'aliyun/sms'
=> true
Second Step:
$ Aliyun::Sms.configure do |config|
config.access_key_secret = ACCESS_KEY_SECRET
config.access_key_id = ACCESS_KEY_ID
config.action = 'SendSms'
config.format = 'XML'
config.region_id = 'cn-hangzhou'
config.sign_name = SIGN_NAME
config.signature_method = 'HMAC-SHA1'
config.signature_version = '1.0'
config.version = '2017-05-25'
=> "2017-05-25"
Third Step:
Send message:
$ Aliyun::Sms.send(phone_numbers, template_code, template_param, out_id)
- phone_numbers: the phone number, string type, such as '1234567890'. You can use multiple phone numbers devided by comma, such as '1234567890,12388888888'.
- template_code: message template code, string type, such as 'SMS_12345678'.
- template_param: message template params, tring type, such as '{"code":"666666", "product":"content" }'.
- out_id:out extension id,string type,could be null。
Rails Application
First Step:
In Rails direction 'config/initializers/', create file 'aliyun-sms.rb', and add code:
Aliyun::Sms.configure do |config|
config.access_key_secret = ACCESS_KEY_SECRET
config.access_key_id = ACCESS_KEY_ID
config.action = 'SendSms'
config.format = 'XML'
config.region_id = 'cn-hangzhou'
config.sign_name = SIGN_NAME
config.signature_method = 'HMAC-SHA1'
config.signature_version = '1.0'
config.version = '2017-05-25'
then, restart Rails application。
Second Step:
Send message in your program:
Aliyun::Sms.send(phone_numbers, template_code, template_param, out_id)
- phone_numbers: the phone number, string type, such as '1234567890'. You can use multiple phone numbers devided by comma, such as '1234567890,12388888888'.
- template_code: message template code, string type, such as 'SMS_12345678'.
- template_param: message template params, tring type, such as '{"code":"666666", "product":"content" }'.
- out_id:out extension id,string type,could be null。
In Rails application program, you could organize your message content as a hash, and trans it bo be a param of Aliyun::Sms.send by to_json method. For instance:
phone_number = '1234567890'
template_code = 'SMS_12345678'
template_param = {"code"=>"666666", "product"=>"conten" }.to_json
Aliyun::Sms.send(phone_numbers, template_code, template_param)
According to Aliyun Official Document example, I had written spect test. You could run the test after clone as follows:
$ bundle exec rspec spec
MIT License。 MIT License.