= Arrow
A web application framework for mod_ruby.
== Authors
- Michael Granger
- Dave McCorkhill
- Martin Chase
== Contributors
- Aaron Son
- Ben Bleything
- Kim Wallmark
- Mahlon E. Smith
== General Information
Arrow is a web application framework for mod_ruby. It was designed to make
development of web applications under Apache easier and more fun without
sacrificing the power of being able to access the native Apache API.
== Online Docs
We're working on a manual which will provide more comprehensive instructions
and an in-depth tutorial. You can view it at:
We'd be happy to hear your suggestions, bug reports, or complaints.
== Installation
=== Requirements
=== (Non-Standard) Ruby Library Dependencies
If you use RubyGems, appropriate versions will be installed by the gem's
dependencies. Otherwise, you'll need to build and install these by hand:
- ruby-cache >= 0.3.0
- formvalidator >= 0.1.4
- pluginfactory >= 1.0.4
==== Installing From Source
If you wish to install Arrow as a conventional library from the source:
$ rake install
The install task will check for dependencies, install the libraries, and then offer some
advice about how to configure your server.
== Contact
== Legal
:include: LICENSE
See the LICENSE file included with the distribution for licensing details.