Google-style avatar generator for your app.
This gem generates SVG which can be used inside your HTML or img(src) to display google-style avatar with initials.

You can generate avatar using 2 methods, depending how you need to use it. Using Avatarro.svg
method to embed svg inside HTML or Avatarro.image
method to generate Base64 image use with image_tag.
<%= image_tag Avatarro.image(current_user.full_name), size: '24x24' %>
<%= image_tag Avatarro.image("Igor Kasyanchuk", solid: true), size: '24x24' %>
<%= image_tag Avatarro.image("IK"), size: '32x32' %>
<%= raw Avatarro.svg("IK") %>
It you need rounded avatars just add CSS to the img.
<%= image_tag Avatarro.image("IK"), size: '32x32', style: 'border-radius: 50%' %>
More samples (shown on screenshot above):
<div class="card">
<h3>Avatar Generator for the<br>APP</h3>
<div class="people round">
<%= image_tag Avatarro.image("OI"), size: '16x16' %>
<%= image_tag Avatarro.image("JS"), size: '16x16' %>
<%= image_tag Avatarro.image("MK"), size: '16x16' %>
<%= image_tag Avatarro.image("ZP"), size: '16x16' %>
<div class="card">
<h3>Generates SVG for the html</h3>
<div class="people round">
<%= image_tag Avatarro.image("OI", solid: true), size: '24x24' %>
<%= image_tag Avatarro.image("JS", solid: true), size: '24x24' %>
<%= image_tag Avatarro.image("MK", solid: true), size: '24x24' %>
<%= image_tag Avatarro.image("ZP", solid: true), size: '24x24' %>
<%= image_tag Avatarro.image("😁", solid: true), size: '24x24' %>
<%= image_tag Avatarro.image("😂", solid: true), size: '24x24' %>
<div class="card">
<h3>Or can be used as<br> img src="..."</h3>
<div class="people">
<%= image_tag Avatarro.image("ZO", random: true), size: '32x32' %>
<%= image_tag Avatarro.image("AB", random: true), size: '32x32' %>
<%= image_tag Avatarro.image("ФЯ", random: true), size: '32x32' %>
<%= image_tag Avatarro.image("DA", random: true), size: '32x32' %>
<div class="clear"></div>
<div class="card">
<%= raw Avatarro.svg("IK") %>
<%= raw Avatarro.svg("WS") %>
<%= raw Avatarro.svg("AP") %>
<%= image_tag Avatarro.image("WW") %>
<%= image_tag Avatarro.image("OI", random: true) %>
<%= image_tag Avatarro.image("ZA"), style: 'border-radius: 50%', size: '32x32' %>
<%= image_tag Avatarro.image("OZ", random: true), style: 'border-radius: 50%', size: '16x16' %>
<div class="card">
<%= image_tag Avatarro.image("WA", random: true, width: 300, height: 300) %>
<div class="card">
<%= image_tag Avatarro.image("⚡", random: true, width: 300, height: 300) %>
Example of the possible options (see args hash):
def Avatarro.template(initials, args = {})
data = args[:random] ? GRADIENTS.sample : GRADIENTS[index(initials) % GRADIENTS.size]
start = args[:start].presence || data[0]
finish = args[:solid] ? data[0] : (args[:finish].presence || data[1])
degree = args[:degree].presence || data[2].presence || 90
color = args[:color].presence || data[3].presence || '#FFF'
width = args[:width].presence || 64
height = args[:height].presence || 64
For example:
<%= image_tag Avatarro.image("WA", random: true, width: 300, height: 300, color: 'red') %>
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'avatarro'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install avatarro
Contribution directions go here.
- CI
- better graphics and more gradients
- radial gradient
The idea of this gem came after reading an article: https://kukicola.io/posts/creating-google-like-letter-avatars-using-erb-generated-svgs/. We actually did something similar with HTML/CSS on our project too, but with SVG solution looks just better.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.