= Bigrecord Driver
Bigrecord Driver uses JRuby to interact with Java databases through their native Java APIs, and connect with other Ruby (regular Ruby or JRuby) based applications through DRb.
Currently supported databases are:
The system that's running Bigrecord Driver will of course require JRuby and Java, however any other systems looking to access the databases require only Ruby and network access to the Bigrecord Driver server.
== Requirements
- HBase 0.20.2 (packaged by default)
- Any HBase version that conforms to the 0.20.2 API will work, see the "Database lib path" section for more information
- JRuby 1.3.0+
== Installation
(1) Install the latest Java Runtime for your operating system (or any version that's supported by JRuby. There are many resources online for this.
(2) Go to: http://jruby.org/getting-started and follow the instructions for installing the latest JRuby.
(3) Add the following environmental variable to your shell rc file (~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc)
export JRUBY_HOME=/path/to/jruby
and then add $JRUBY_HOME/bin to your system PATH:
(4) Check that JRuby is installed correctly by typing in the following commands, and verifying that you get similar output:
> echo $JRUBY_HOME
> jruby --version
jruby 1.3.1 [...]
(5) Install the Bigrecord Driver gem from gemcutter.org
> (sudo) gem install bigrecord-driver -s http://gemcutter.org/
== Usage
=== Starting the service
Once you have everything installed, you can start up a Bigrecord Driver DRb server for HBase with:
hbase-driver start -p [port]
Port will default to 40000 if none is specified. Remember this port, because it will be used in the bigrecord.yml configuration file.
=== Stopping the service
When you want to stop the server, simply run the command:
hbase-driver stop -p [port]
=== More options
Check out more usage options with:
=== Database lib path
Bigrecord Driver comes packaged with the latest set of lib files needed to interact with the specified database. Since it might be necessary to include the lib files of a different version than the latest, specify the database install location using the -l argument.
hbase-driver start -p [port] -l [/path/to/hbase/install]
Bigrecord Driver will then use the /path/to/hbase/install folder and include the jar files needed to run so long as lib files weren't rearranged from the default configuration.
== Debugging
- If any errors are encountered during the usage of Bigrecord Driver, you can check the /tmp/bigrecord-driver//log/[port].log files for any errors that might've occurred.
== License
Big Record is released under the MIT license.
== Links