= Bitly4R
A Ruby API for the http://bit.ly URL-shortening service
== SimpleClient
This example uses a simpler construction and invocation technique.
For when you just need the URLs, and not any additional data.
require 'rubygems'
require 'bitly4r'
access_token = ENV['TOKEN']
long_url = 'http://rubyforge.org/'
client = Bitly4R.Token(access_token)
short_url = client.shorten(long_url)
puts "short_url = #{short_url}"
raise 'what the?' unless (long_url == client.expand(short_url))
== Client
This example uses a full-fledged construction and invocation technique.
The URLs are returned by the to_s methods of the Response objects, and additional data is made available.
require 'rubygems'
require 'bitly4r'
access_token = ENV['TOKEN']
long_url = 'http://rubyforge.org/'
client = Bitly4R::Client.new(:token => access_token)
short_url = client.shorten(long_url).to_s
puts "short_url = #{short_url}"
raise 'aww, cmon!' unless (long_url == client.expand(short_url).to_s)
== Support
This Client uses version 4.0.0 of the API (eg. '/v4/*').
It supports Access Token credentials.
This gem supports the following API commands:
POST /v4/shorten
POST /v4/expand
GET /v4/bitlinks/:bitlink
For more information, see the API documentation:
== Contributing
=== Issue Tracking and Feature Requests
== Community
=== Wiki