h1. Cashboard-rb
This project is the official Ruby wrapper for the "Cashboard API":http://api.cashboardapp.com created and maintained by "Subimage LLC":http://www.subimage.com.
"Cashboard":http://www.getcashboard.com is an online service that allows you to track time, create estimates, invoice your clients, and collect payments via credit cards or PayPal.
h2. Installation
bc. sudo gem install cashboard
h2. Example Code
bc.. require 'rubygems'
require 'cashboard'
Cashboard::Base.authenticate('your_subdomain', 'your_api_key')
puts "Employees:"
Cashboard::Employee.list.each { |emp| puts emp.inspect }
puts "Client Companies:"
Cashboard::ClientCompany.list.each { |client| puts client.inspect }
puts "Projects:"
Cashboard::Project.list.each { |prj| puts prj.inspect }
p. There are more examples in the /examples directory of this project.
h2. Links
h2. Contributing
If you'd like to contribute to this project, please fork it and add your code with working tests.
h3. Testing
Tests are handled with Test::Unit and Fakeweb.
There's a complete test suite you can run by invoking:
@ruby test/full.rb@
The project is also setup to use autotest.
If you add any code please ensure all tests continue to run properly by running the test suite.
h2. License
Cashboard-rb is released under the MIT License.
Tweak it, fork it, twerk it and translate it to other languages...please!