Cbr to Epub Converter
This gem lets you convert .cbr and .cbz comic books to epub files.
This may come in handy if you want to be able to read them on your iPad.
The tool has been written for and tested on macOS, so if you want to use it on other platforms you'll need to port Input::CbrExtractor and Output::EpubCompressor classes, as they rely on shell utilities for macOS system.
In order to use it, make sure you have unrar installed in your system. You can do it via homebrew:
brew install unrar
Then install the gem:
gem install cbr_to_epub
cbr_to_epub -i input.cbr
You can also specify author and title for metadata that will be embedded in the epub file:
cbr_to_epub -i input.cbr --title "Batman 1" --author "Comic Book Guy"
Use -o
option if you want to specify output file manually.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/rafalcymerys/cbr_to_epub.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.