Clockworkd - a clock process to replace cron
Cron is non-ideal for running scheduled application tasks, especially in an app
deployed to multiple machines. More details.
Clockworkd is a cron replacement. It runs as a lightweight, long-running Ruby
process which sits alongside your web processes (Mongrel/Thin) and your worker
processes (DJ/Resque/Minion/Stalker) to schedule recurring work at particular
times or dates. For example, refreshing feeds on an hourly basis, or send
reminder emails on a nightly basis, or generating invoices once a month on the
Configure application:
In your Gemfile gem "clockworkd", ">= 0.2.5"
Run generator to generate config yml and script file
Use config/initiaizers to configure options for this gem
Modify clockworkd.yml:
# Run job every two minute: */2 * * * *
cron: "59 1 * * *"
block: Delayed::Job.enqueue
description: "This job clear sessions table"
Run it as console or daemon application (rails 3.x):
$ ruby script/clockworkd run
$ ruby script/clockworkd --identifier=0 start
Use clockworkd with capistrano:
after "deploy:stop", "clockworkd:stop"
after "deploy:start", "clockworkd:start"
after "deploy:restart", "clockworkd:restart"
Use monit script to monitor it:
check process clockworkd
with pidfile /var/www/apps/{app_name}/shared/pids/
start program = "/usr/bin/env RAILS_ENV=production /var/www/apps/{app_name}/current/script/clockworkd start"
stop program = "/usr/bin/env RAILS_ENV=production /var/www/apps/{app_name}/current/script/clockworkd stop"
In production
Only one clock process should ever be running across your whole application
deployment. For example, if your app is running on three VPS machines (two app
servers and one database), your app machines might have the following process
- App server 1: 3 web (thin start), 3 workers (rake jobs:work), 1 clock (clockwork clock.rb)
- App server 2: 3 web (thin start), 3 workers (rake jobs:work)
You should use Monit, God, Upstart, or Inittab to keep your clock process
running the same way you keep your web and workers running.
Inspired by
- Type 'gem install --local clockworkd' with root account if you have installed RubyGems.
Example goes here.
Copyright (c) 2011 arufanov, released under the MIT license.