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Crypto Copycats Collectibles - Buy! Sell! Hodl! Sire!

copycats command line tool (and core library) - crypto cats / kitties collectibles unchained - buy! sell! hodl! sire! - play for free - runs off the blockchain w/ ledger lite - no ether / gas required; run your own peer-to-peer (P2P) network node over HTTP

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kitty Command Line Tool

Use the kitty command line tool to (auto-)read kitty data records (in comma-separated values (CSV)) into an in-memory SQLite database and print reports. Example - kitties/1-99_999/000.csv:

1,0,,,2017-11-23 06:19:59,ccac 7787 fa7f afaa 1646 7755 f9ee 4444 6766 7366 cccc eede,
2,0,,,2017-11-23 06:19:59,ca9c 7575 f442 af9g 6664 5557 7777 4444 6686 8667 cccc ffec,
3,0,,,2017-11-23 06:19:59,ac9a 6686 ff7f 99aa 6666 5575 779f 4444 6786 7748 cccc dcfc,
4,0,,,2017-11-23 06:19:59,ccac 5686 22ff f99g 1616 7555 ffed 4444 8668 4687 cccc dcff,
5,0,,,2017-11-23 06:19:59,ca9c 8777 747f g99g 4411 7775 f77d 4444 7788 6377 cccc ffef,

Note: By default all datafiles (**/*.csv) in the ./data and all subdirectories get (auto-)read. Use the -i/--include option to change the data directory.

Kitty Genes Reader / Report

Pass in the id (e.g. 1, 43, etc.) of the kitty to print a genes report. Example:

$ kitty 1


# Kitty #1

genes (kai): ccac 7787 fa7f afaa 1646 7755 f9ee 4444 6766 7366 cccc eede

Fur (Genes 0-3)

|Gene| Binary |Kai (Tier)| Trait      |    |
| 0  | 01101  | e (I)    | **sphynx** | d  |
| 1  | 01100  | d (I)    | munchkin ) | r1 |
| 2  | 01101  | e (I)    | sphynx     | r2 |
| 3  | 01101  | e (I)    | sphynx     | r3 |

d = dominant, r1 = 1st order recessive, r2 = 2nd order recessive, r3 = 3rd order recessive

Pattern (Genes 4-7)

|Gene| Binary |Kai (Tier)| Trait      |    |
| 4  | 01011  | c (I)    | **jaguar** | d  |
| 5  | 01011  | c (I)    | jaguar     | r1 |
| 6  | 01011  | c (I)    | jaguar     | r2 |
| 7  | 01011  | c (I)    | jaguar     | r3 |

Eye Color (Genes 8-11)

|Gene| Binary |Kai (Tier)| Trait       |    |
| 8  | 00101  | 6 (I)    | **sizzurp** | d  |
| 9  | 00101  | 6 (I)    | sizzurp     | r1 |
| 10 | 00010  | 3 (I)    | topaz       | r2 |
| 11 | 00110  | 7 (I)    | chestnut    | r3 |

Eye Shape (Genes 12-15)

|Gene| Binary  |Kai (Tier)| Trait      |    |
| 12 | 00101   | 6 (I)    | **simple** | d  |
| 13 | 00101   | 6 (I)    | simple     | r1 |
| 14 | 00110   | 7 (I)    | crazy      | r2 |
| 15 | 00101   | 6 (I)    | simple     | r3 |

Base Color (Genes 16-19)

|Gene| Binary |Kai (Tier)| Trait          |    |
| 16 | 00011  | 4 (I)    | **orangesoda** | d  |
| 17 | 00011  | 4 (I)    | orangesoda     | r1 |
| 18 | 00011  | 4 (I)    | orangesoda     | r2 |
| 19 | 00011  | 4 (I)    | orangesoda     | r3 |

Highlight Color (Genes 20-23)

|Gene| Binary |Kai (Tier)| Trait        |    |
| 20 | 01101  | e (I)    | **lemonade** | d  |
| 21 | 01101  | e (I)    | lemonade     | r1 |
| 22 | 01000  | 9 (I)    | swampgreen   | r2 |
| 23 | 01110  | f (I)    | chocolate    | r3 |

Accent Color (Genes 24-27)

|Gene| Binary |Kai (Tier)| Trait           |    |
| 24 | 00100  | 5 (I)    | **granitegrey** | d  |
| 25 | 00100  | 5 (I)    | granitegrey     | r1 |
| 26 | 00110  | 7 (I)    | kittencream     | r2 |
| 27 | 00110  | 7 (I)    | kittencream     | r3 |

Wild (Genes 28-31)

|Gene| Binary |Kai (Tier)| Trait   |    |
| 28 | 00101  | 6 (I)    | **?**   |  d |
| 29 | 00011  | 4 (I)    | ?       | r1 |
| 30 | 00101  | 6 (I)    | ?       | r2 |
| 31 | 00000  | 1 (I)    | ?       | r3 |

Mouth (Genes 32-35)

|Gene| Binary |Kai (Tier)| Trait        |   |
| 32 | 01001  | a (I)    | **pouty**    | d |
| 33 | 01001  | a (I)    | pouty        | r1 |
| 34 | 01110  | f (I)    | happygokitty | r2 |
| 35 | 01001  | a (I)    | pouty        | r3 |

Kitty Mix Genes (Matron + Sire) Report

Pass in two ids for the matron and sire kitties to print a mix genes report. Example:

$ kitty 2 43


# Kitty #2 + #43

genes (kai) 1: ca9c 7575 f442 af9g 6664 5557 7777 4444 6686 8667 cccc ffec
genes (kai) 2: ca9a 7588 72a7 fa9f 4111 5555 dedf 4444 5888 4666 cccc fded

Fur (Genes 0-3)

|Gene|Kai|Trait (Matron) |Kai|Trait (Sire)  |    |
| 0  | c | **himalayan** | d | **munchkin** | d  |
| 1  | e | sphynx        | e | sphynx       | r1 |
| 2  | f | ragamuffin    | d | munchkin     | r2 |
| 3  | f | ragamuffin    | f | ragamuffin   | r3 |

d = dominant, r1 = 1st order recessive, r2 = 2nd order recessive, r3 = 3rd order recessive

Pattern (Genes 4-7)

|Gene|Kai|Trait (Matron)|Kai|Trait (Sire)|    |
| 4  | c | **jaguar**   | c | **jaguar** | d  |
| 5  | c | jaguar       | c | jaguar     | r1 |
| 6  | c | jaguar       | c | jaguar     | r2 |
| 7  | c | jaguar       | c | jaguar     | r3 |

Eye Color (Genes 8-11)

|Gene|Kai|Trait (Matron)|Kai|Trait (Sire) |    |
| 8  | 7 | **chestnut** | 6 | **sizzurp** | d  |
| 9  | 6 | sizzurp      | 6 | sizzurp     | r1 |
| 10 | 6 | sizzurp      | 6 | sizzurp     | r2 |
| 11 | 8 | strawberry   | 4 | mintgreen   | r3 |

Eye Shape (Genes 12-15)

|Gene|Kai|Trait (Matron)|Kai|Trait (Sire)     |    |
| 12 | 6 | **simple**   | 8 | **thicccbrowz** | d  |
| 13 | 8 | thicccbrowz  | 8 | thicccbrowz     | r1 |
| 14 | 6 | simple       | 8 | thicccbrowz     | r2 |
| 15 | 6 | simple       | 5 | otaku           | r3 |

Base Color (Genes 16-19)

|Gene|Kai|Trait (Matron)  |Kai|Trait (Sire)    |    |
| 16 | 4 | **orangesoda** | 4 | **orangesoda** | d  |
| 17 | 4 | orangesoda     | 4 | orangesoda     | r1 |
| 18 | 4 | orangesoda     | 4 | orangesoda     | r2 |
| 19 | 4 | orangesoda     | 4 | orangesoda     | r3 |

Highlight Color (Genes 20-23)

|Gene|Kai|Trait (Matron)   |Kai|Trait (Sire)   |    |
| 20 | 7 | **royalpurple** | f | **chocolate** | d  |
| 21 | 7 | royalpurple     | d | coffee        | r1 |
| 22 | 7 | royalpurple     | e | lemonade      | r2 |
| 23 | 7 | royalpurple     | d | coffee        | r3 |

Accent Color (Genes 24-27)

|Gene|Kai|Trait (Matron)   |Kai|Trait (Sire)     |    |
| 24 | 7 | **kittencream** | 5 | **granitegrey** | d  |
| 25 | 5 | granitegrey     | 5 | granitegrey     | r1 |
| 26 | 5 | granitegrey     | 5 | granitegrey     | r2 |
| 27 | 5 | granitegrey     | 5 | granitegrey     | r3 |

Wild (Genes 28-31)

|Gene|Kai|Trait (Matron)|Kai|Trait (Sire)|    |
| 28 | 4 | **?**        | 1 | **?**      | d  |
| 29 | 6 | ?            | 1 | ?          | r1 |
| 30 | 6 | ?            | 1 | ?          | r2 |
| 31 | 6 | ?            | 4 | ?          | r3 |

Mouth (Genes 32-35)

|Gene|Kai|Trait (Matron) |Kai|Trait (Sire)      |    |
| 32 | g | **soserious** | f | **happygokitty** | d  |
| 33 | 9 | beard         | 9 | beard            | r1 |
| 34 | f | happygokitty  | a | pouty            | r2 |
| 35 | a | pouty         | f | happygokitty     | r3 |

Database Tables

Table Diagram

SQL Tables (in SQLite Dialect)

CREATE TABLE kitties (
                          NOT NULL,
    name         VARCHAR,
    genes_kai    VARCHAR  NOT NULL,
    gen          INTEGER  NOT NULL,
    birthdate    DATETIME NOT NULL,
    day_count    INTEGER  NOT NULL,
    matron_id    INTEGER,
    sire_id      INTEGER,
    body_id      INTEGER  NOT NULL,
    pattern_id   INTEGER  NOT NULL,
    coloreyes_id INTEGER  NOT NULL,
    eyes_id      INTEGER  NOT NULL,
    color1_id    INTEGER  NOT NULL,
    color2_id    INTEGER  NOT NULL,
    color3_id    INTEGER  NOT NULL,
    wild_id      INTEGER  NOT NULL,
    mouth_id     INTEGER  NOT NULL

                     NOT NULL,
    kitty_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    n        INTEGER NOT NULL,
    gene     VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    gene_n   INTEGER NOT NULL,
    trait_id INTEGER NOT NULL

                          NOT NULL,
    trait_type_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
    name          VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    n             INTEGER NOT NULL,
    kai           VARCHAR NOT NULL,
    tier          INTEGER

CREATE TABLE trait_types (
                  NOT NULL,

Database Setup

Use the kitty setup command to setup an SQLite database and (auto-)read all datafiles. Example:

$ kitty setup

This will create:

  • a single-file SQLite database kitties.db
  • setup all tables
  • add all known traits and trait types (body, pattern, eyes, ...) and
  • (auto-)read all datafiles (**/*.csv) in the . and all subdirectories

Note: Use the -i/--include option to change the default data directory (that is, .) and use the -n/--dbname option to change the default SQLite database name (that is, kitties.db) and use the -d/--dbpath option to change the default SQLite database path (that is, .).

Showtime! Use the sqlite3 command line tool and try some queries. Example:

$ sqlite3 kitties.db

sqlite> SELECT * FROM kitties WHERE id = 1;

1||ccac 7787 fa7f afaa 1646 7755 f9ee 4444 6766 7366 cccc eede|0|2017-11-23 06:19:59|...

sqlite> SELECT * FROM genes WHERE trait_id = 14;    -- sphynx (14)


Database Queries


Find all kitties with a trait

Let's use the trait savannah (fur) with the id 0:

SELECT id FROM kitties WHERE body_id = 0
Find all kitties with two traits

Let's use the trait savannah (fur) with the id 0 and the trait tiger (pattern) with the id 33:

SELECT id FROM  kitties
          WHERE body_id = 0 AND pattern_id = 33
Find all kitties with a trait (in any gene d/r1/r2/r3)

Note: All traits (12 x 32 = 384) are numbered with ids from 0 to 383 in the traits database table. Let's use the trait savannah (fur) with the id 0:

SELECT kitty_id FROM genes WHERE trait_id = 0
Find all kitties with a dominant (visible) trait

Note: Use gene column (d/r1/r2/r3) or the numeric gene_n column (0/1/2/3): Let's use the trait savannah (fur) with the id 0 and a dominant (d) gene:

SELECT kitty_id FROM  genes
                WHERE trait_id = 0 AND gene='d'
Find all kitties with two traits (in any gene d/r1/r2/r3)

Use two query with "intersect" the result. Let's use the trait savannah (fur) with the id 0 and the trait tiger (pattern) with the id 33:

SELECT kitty_id FROM genes WHERE trait_id = 0
SELECT kitty_id FROM genes WHERE trait_id = 33

Using Models w/ ActiveRecord in Ruby

Find all kitties with a trait

Let's use the trait savannah (fur) with the id 0:

Kitty.find_by( body: Trait.find_by( name: 'savannah' ))
# -or -
Kitty.find_by( body_id: 0)
Find all kitties with two traits

Let's use the trait savannah (fur) with the id 0 and the trait tiger (pattern) with the id 33:

Kitty.find_by( body:    Trait.find_by( name: 'savannah' ),
               pattern: Trait.find_by( name: 'tiger' ))
# -or -
Kitty.find_by( body_id: 0, pattern_id: 33 )
Find all kitties with a trait (in any gene d/r1/r2/r3)

Let's use the trait savannah (fur) with the id 0:

genes = Gene.find_by( trait: Trait.find_by( name: 'savannah' ))  # query
genes = Gene.find_by( trait_id: 0 ) { |gene| gene.kitty }                                  # get kitties (from gene)
Find all kitties with a dominant (visible) trait

Let's use the trait savannah (fur) with the id 0 and a dominant (d) gene:

genes = Gene.find_by( trait: Trait.find_by( name: 'savannah' ),
                      d:     'd' )                               #query
genes = Gene.find_by( trait_id: 0, d: 'd' ) { |gene| gene.kitty }                                  # get kitties (from gene)
Find all kitties with two traits

Use two query with "intersect" the result. Let's use the trait savannah (fur) and the trait tiger (pattern):

genes ='kitty_id').where( trait: Trait.find_by( name: 'savannah' )).intersect('kitty_id').where( trait: Trait.find_by( name: 'pattern' ))) { |gene| gene.kitty }     # get kitties (from gene)

Quick References / Cheat Sheets

Traits - Traits (Cattributes) Charts with Mutation (Mewtations) Pairs and Tiers

Genes - Fur (0-3) • Pattern (4-7) • Eye Color (8-11) • Eye Shape (12-15) • Base Color (16-19) • Highlight Color (20-23) • Accent Color (24-27) • Wild (28-31) • Mouth (32-35) • Future 1 (36-39) • Future 2 (40-43) • Future 3 (44-47)


(Crypto) Kitties on the Blockchain - public dataset in comma-separated values (CSV) format in blocks of a thousand kitties each (e.g. 000.csv incl. 1-999, 001.csv incl. 1000-1999, 002.csv incl. 2000-2999, and so on). The data records for kitties incl. id, gen(eration), matron+sire ids, birthdate, 48 (12x4) genes in kai (base32) notation, and more.

(Crypto) Kittydex Kitty Data - public dataset in comma-separated values (CSV) format in a single file (+250 MiB). The data records for kitties incl. id, gen(eration), matron+sire ids, birthdate, 48 (12x4) genes in kai (base32) notation, and more.

Add your dataset here!

Installation - I Can Has Copycats?


$ gem install copycats

Questions? Comments?

Post them on the cryptokitties reddit. Thanks.


The copycats scripts are dedicated to the public domain. Use it as you please with no restrictions whatsoever.


Package last updated on 22 Dec 2018

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