A command line application for managing cryptocurrency holdings.
I like doing things from the command line. And like any command line user worth their
salt, I hodl some cryptocurrencies. I made decent
so I can quickly, compulsively
access exchange rates and address balances from my highfalutin terminal. Oh, and it's
de-cent like de-cen-tra-lized, but I guess the synonym for mediocre works as well.
Whenever new data is pulled from the web, the outdated data is stored in historic tables
which could be leveraged for investment strategy / world domination.
Currently (as of 0.1.3) supports Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Litecoin (LTC).
$ gem install decent
$ decent
Note: The first time decent
runs, it will create a SQLite3 database in your home
directory like so: ~/.decent/decent.db
Update Exchange Rates
$ decent exchange_rate update
Current exchange rates for all currencies are pulled from Coinbase and stored with a timestamp.
The previous values are copied to the historic_exchange_rates
List Exchange Rates
$ decent exchange_rate list
The most recently queried information for each exchange rate will be listed.
Add Hodling
$ decent hodling add
Creates a prompt asking for a nickname, address, and currency for a new hodling.
Update Hodlings
$ decent hodling update
Current balances for all locally stored address are pulled from APIs and stored with a timestamp.
The previous values are copied to the historic_holdings
List Hodlings
$ decent hodling list
The most recently queried information for each locally stored hodling will be listed.
Show Hodling
$ decent hodling show -nickname NICKNAME
The most recently queried information for the hodling with nickname NICKNAME will be displayed,
along with its value in USD based on the most recently queried exchange_rate for its respective
Remove Hodling
$ decent hodling remove -nickname NICKNAME
The most recently queried information for the hodling with nickname NICKNAME will be removed, and
that hodling will no longer appear in the holdings
table. Related entries in the
table will not be affected.
decent uses SQLite3.
`id` integer,
`nickname` varchar(255),
`address` varchar(255),
`currency` varchar(255),
`balance` doubleprecision,
`created_at` timestamp,
`updated_at` timestamp
`id` integer,
`holding_id` integer,
`address` varchar(255),
`currency` varchar(255),
`balance` doubleprecision,
`recorded_at` timestamp
`created_at` timestamp
`id` integer,
`currency` varchar(255),
`rate` doubleprecision,
`created_at` timestamp,
`updated_at` timestamp
`id` integer,
`exchange_rate_id` integer,
`currency` varchar(255),
`rate` doubleprecision,
`recorded_at` timestamp,
`created_at` timestamp
I'm not expecting any of these, but here are my public addresses :)
Bitcoin: 1MzRX52tmTqdaVbA4nPnbEVpoYgmP5e6dH
Ethereum: 0x11b91e4b6d0e149cbedc213c98d177ac0560abd9
Litecoin: LXq9vUheGADoSdyHY7HqKWhjixgzYLaJm4