= Dialog-fu
Chris Riddoch riddochc@gmail.com
:language: ruby
Version 0.2.1, 2014-07-07
== Description
This library provides a high-level API for simple user interfaces with
kdialog (forthcoming: dialog/zenity/yad/cocoadialog)
Sometimes, being usable matters. In addition to providing the world's most
intricate command suite and option parsing for expert users, it might be nice
to just give a little interface. Not so much that you have to restructure
your whole program around some GUI framework, but if you need a filename
or a little text entry box or a confirmation box, the "dialog"-like programs
can make the job a lot easier.
This is intended to make it easy for you, as a programmer, to make your
programs easier to use. Everyone wins, right?
Further documentation can be generated with by running 'rake'
== Requirements
Ruby 2.0 or newer
One of:
In the future, other variations of the 'dialog' program will be supported.
== Installation
gem install dialog-fu
== Use
require 'dialog-fu'
Dialog.autosetup # Figure out what implementation to use
Dialog.messagebox("Hello, world")
== License
Copyright © 2011-14 Chris Riddoch
See lgpl-3.0.txt for license details