Esgob Ruby Client
Esgob Ltd operate an international network of anycast servers.
Their Secondary DNS service is available for free.
This Ruby Gem provides convenient access to the Esgob API via a command line tool
and Ruby library.
Install it as a gem using:
$ gem install esgob
Or add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'esgob'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Command Line Usage
Without any arguments, the esgob
tool will display a list of commands:
esgob account # Display account info
esgob config # Save the Esgob account and key
esgob domains # List all domains
esgob help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
esgob slaves # List slave domains
esgob slaves-add DOMAIN MASTERIP # Add new slave domain
esgob slaves-delete DOMAIN # Delete a slave domain
esgob slaves-sync FILE MASTERIP # Synronises list of slave domains in a file
esgob slaves-transfer DOMAIN # Force transfer from master of a slave domain
esgob slaves-update DOMAIN MASTERIP # Updates the master IP of a slave domain
esgob soacheck DOMAIN # Fetch domain SOA serial number for all nodes
esgob version # Show Esgob Ruby Client version
-a, [--account=Account Name]
-k, [--key=API Key]
-v, [--verbose], [--no-verbose]
To configure the client with some credentials use the esgob config
$ esgob config
What is your Esgob account name? accountname
What is your Esgob key? 4472ed80e0f511e4aee13c0754043581
Configuration written to /home/username/.esgob
Library Usage
First create a new client instance, by passing in your account name and API key:
esgob = Esgob::Client.new('account', 'key')
Alternatively, as it is often desirable to keep secrets outside of the source code,
it is also possible to pass in the account name and API key using a configuration file.
The following paths are searched in the following order:
The configuration file should be in the format:
account some_account_name
key kskjhdkjdhkjhdkjdhdkjhdkjhd
Or set using environment variables:
export ESGOB_ACCOUNT=accountname
export ESGOB_KEY=4472ed80e0f511e4aee13c0754043581
The client instance can then be initialised without passing any arguments:
esgob = Esgob::Client.new
Add a new slave domain, passing in the domain and the master DNS server to fetch the zone from:
esgob.domains_slaves_add('example.org', '')
Get a list of the registered slave domains:
domains = esgob.domains_slaves_list
Here is an example of what can be done in an IRB session:
$ irb -resgob
irb(main):001:0> esgob = Esgob::Client.new
=> #<Esgob::Client account=myacct>
irb(main):002:0> esgob.domains_slaves_list
=> {"example.com"=>"", "example.uk"=>""}
irb(main):003:0> esgob.domains_slaves_list.keys
=> ["example.com", "example.uk"]
See the API documentation for full details.
More information
- Fork it ( https://github.com/njh/esgob/fork )
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a new Pull Request
The esgob ruby gem is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
See the file LICENSE for details.