perfecto plugin

Getting Started
This project is a fastlane plugin. To get started with fastlane-plugin-perfecto
, add it to your project by running:
fastlane add_plugin perfecto
About plugin
This plugin allows you to automatically upload ipa/apk files to Perfecto for manual/automation testing
This plugin uses latest v1 upload media API under the hood and supports all file types.
Check out the example Fastfile
to see how to use this plugin. Try it by cloning the repo, running fastlane install_plugins
and bundle exec fastlane test
You can easily upload your ipa/apk file using perfecto fastlane Plugin and execute your test on perfecto cloud.
Add the below action in your fastfile to utilize this plugin.
lane :test do
perfecto_cloudurl: ENV["PERFECTO_CLOUDURL"],
perfecto_token: ENV["PERFECTO_TOKEN"],
perfecto_media_location: ENV["PERFECTO_MEDIA_LOCATION"],
Optional parameters:
artifactType: ENV["artifactType"],
artifactName: ENV["artifactName"],
Pass the below variable values as environment variables:
* PERFECTO_CLOUDURL [your perfecto cloud url. E.g.:]
* PERFECTO_TOKEN [your perfecto security token
* PERFECTO_MEDIA_LOCATION [mention the Perfecto media repository location to upload the file mentioned in file_path. E.g. PUBLIC:Samples/sample.ipa]
* file_path [location of your preferred ipa/apk file which needs to be uploaded to perfecto media repository.]
* artifactType [Optional: Defines the artifact types, options: GENERAL, IOS, SIMULATOR, ANDROID, IMAGE, AUDIO, VIDEO, SCRIPT]
* artifactName [Optional: Used for the representation of the artifact when downloaded.]
Run tests for this plugin
To run both the tests, and code style validation, run
To automatically fix many of the styling issues, use
rubocop -a
Sample project:
Here's a sample project
which demonstrates the usage of this plugin.
The following actions are possible with the sample project
Available Actions:
android test
fastlane android test
build, upload and run on perfecto
android apk
fastlane android apk
Build debug APK and upload to perfecto
android test_apk
fastlane android test_apk
Build debug test APK and upload to perfecto
android run_perfecto
fastlane android run_perfecto
Run on perfecto
android slack_report
fastlane android slack_report
Report perfecto url to slack
Issues and Feedback
For any other issues and feedback about this plugin, please submit it to this repository.
If you have trouble using plugins, check out the Plugins Troubleshooting guide.
About fastlane
fastlane is the easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps. To learn more, check out