Futest flexible testing for Ruby
Test driven development has never been easier. If you like to write scripts instead of tests, and not worry about how your testing framework works, then Futest will give you exactly what you need.
gem install futest
or add to Gemfile. In your tests include the line
include Futest::Helpers
and you're good to go.
Futest.show = 'open -g'
Futest.mode = ENV['RACK_ENV'] || 'development'
Futest.debug = false
- test: Takes a message and optional setup methods, then prints the message and current line number.
- stop: Stop test and print message along with line number.
- is: Checks if something is true and stops if it isn't. See the usage section below.
- pull: Pulls a URL and expose varibles with info you can use.
- show: Shows the body from the last pull in your web browser.
- err: Print formatted exception error message and stops the test.
For a real-world example with a test runner ready, have a look at the tests for Futest.
require 'futest'
include Futest::Helpers
ruby test/run.rb
Rerun: https://github.com/alexch/rerun
gem 'rerun'
gem 'rb-fsevent'
gem 'terminal-notifier'
# Example command for Rerun, can be added to a shell alias
bundle exec rerun --dir .,config --pattern '**/*.{rb,ru,yml}' -- ruby test/run.rb
# Use begin to have formatted output on error
# Print string in green
test 'Testing Heliocentric Model'
# Optionally pass setup methods to run as symbols
# define setup methods
def setup; @hello = 'Welcome to the curve.'; end
def setup_user
@user = User.first
test 'Reality', :setup, :setup_user
is @user, :a? => User
is @hello, 'Welcome to the flatness.'
# :eq is default, can be omitted
is 'horizon', 'curved'
is 1, 1
is 1, :eq => 1
is 1, :gt => 0
is 1, :lt => 2
is 1, :a? => Integer
# 1 argument is also allowed
is 'everything' == 'stories'
# Use stop to end the test run
stop "Can't process" if :earth == 'flat'
# Pass the validated model object to print the error messages
@user = User.first
@user.name = "Truth"
stop "Can't believe user", @user unless @user.save
# Here are the tests that show how it works
# There options are:
# :a?, :eq, :lt, :lte, :gt, :gte, :in, :nin, :has
s = 'hello'
is s, 'hello'
is s == 'hello', true
is s != 'hello', false
is s.start_with?('h'), true
is nil, NilClass
is 1, 1
is 1, Integer
is 1, :a? => Integer
is 1, :eq => 1
is 1, :lt => 2
is 1, :lte => 2
is 2, :lte => 2
is 2, :gte => 2
is 3, :gte => 2
is 6, :gte => 2
is 1, :in => [1,2,3]
is 5, :nin => [1,2,3]
is({:test => 1}, :has => :test)
# Set up the @host variable to use pull if you want to test requests
# The pull format is pull(method = :get, path, params, headers)
# Default is :get, but :post, :delete, :update, :patch are supported.
# You can set the @host globally with $host in stead, or $base for @base
# Optionally specify a @base variable to pre-add a path after the @host
@base = '/login' # Optional
@host = 'http://waveorb.com' # Required
# URL will be @host + @base, http://waveorb.com/login in this case
pull '/login'
pull '/login', :duration => 'long'
pull '/login', {:duration => 'long'}, :pjax => '1'
is @host, 'http://waveorb.com'
is @page, :a? => String
is @code, 200
is @cookies, :a? => Hash
is @headers, :a? => Hash
is @raw, :a? => Hash
is @history, :a? => Array
is @body, :a? => String
def login
pull :post, '/login', :email => 'vidar@fugroup.net', :password => 'test'
test 'Profile', :login
pull '/profile'
is @page, :a? => String
is @code, 200
is @cookies, :a? => Hash
is @headers, :a? => Hash
is @raw, :a? => Hash
is @history, :a? => Array
is @body, :a? => String
is @url, :a? => String
is @body.include?('string')
is @body =~ /string/, Integer
is @body !~ /string/, false
is @body =~ /string/, :ne => nil
rescue => x
puts x.message
puts x.backtrace
err x
err x, :v
err x, :vv
Created and maintained by Fugroup Ltd. We are the creators of CrowdfundHQ.
@authors: Vidar