Geminfo is a Ruby package that allows you to see several information about a Gem like Name, Author, UserID, SHA Key, Total downloads, Latest version, total gems owned by author, gem's release date etc.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'geminfo'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install geminfo
Module name --> Geminfo
It has one class called "Stats" and seven module methods "gemversions", "downloads", "usergems", "owner", "search", "latestgems", "updatedgems".
How to use
require "geminfo"
Module Class
Stats has seventeen methods for showing different gem information.
Stats takes only one argument name methods are:
- name() --> returns gem name.
- authors() --> return gem's Author names.
- total() --> return gem's total download for all versions.
- latest() --> return Gem's total download for latest version.
- latestversion() --> returns gem's latest version.
- info() --> returns gem's description.
- licenses() --> returns gem's licenses.
- metadata() --> returns gem's metadata.
- sha() --> returns gem's Secure Hash Algoruthm 256 Checksum.
- projectURL() --> returns gem's project URL.
- gemURL() --> returns gem's URL.
- homepage() --> returns gem's dedicated website.
- wikiURL() --> returns gem's wiki URL.
- docURL() --> returns gem's documentation URL.
- mailURL() --> returns gem's mailing list URL.
- sourceURL() --> returns gem's source-code URL.
- bugURL() --> returns gem's bug tracking URL.
You can use the Stats class in the following way:
One argument
sample ="somegem")
puts "Name: #{}"
puts "Authors: #{sample.authors()}"
puts "Total downloads: #{}"
puts "Latest version total: #{sample.latest()}"
puts "Latest version: #{sample.latestversion()}"
puts "Info: #{}"
puts "Licenses: #{sample.licenses()}"
puts "Metadata: #{sample.metadata()}"
puts "Sha key: #{sample.sha()}"
puts "Project URL: #{sample.projectURL()}"
puts "Gem URL: #{sample.gemURL()}"
puts "Homepage: #{sample.homepage()}"
puts "Wiki URL: #{sample.wikiURL()}"
puts "documentation URL: #{sample.docURL}"
puts "Mailing list: #{sample.mailURL}"
puts "Soure code URL: #{sample.sourceURL}"
puts "Bugs Tracker: #{sample.bugURL}"
Name: somegem
Authors: Daffy Duck
Total downloads: 1,051,815,917
Latest version total: 1,328,554
Latest version: 4.1.0
Info: somegem has been built to train Daffy duck and co for heroic acts.
Licenses: ["MIT"]
Metadata: empty metadata
Sha key: 6a19b32cf92ac3585cbffe2f5356642e84349abf55ee82827313ec3c707843ec
Project URL:
Gem URL:
Wiki URL:
documentation URL:
Mailing list:
Soure code URL:
Bugs Tracker:
Module Methods
Note: All module methods are self printing so there is no need to use the printing method only except if you wish to.
gemversions takes one argument (gemname). It shows the gem version, author, build date, total downloads and secure hash algorithm of all the versions of a gem.
You can use the gemversions method in the following way:
Gemname: somegem-1.0.1
Authors: Daffy Duck
Built on: 2006-12-15
Total downloads: 2504
SHA 256 Checksum: 795942397a9854969cd5b9a9e68c7138f7111e5ae96b6166099b952d68006b4a
Gemname: somegem-1.0.0
Authors: Daffy Duck
Built on: 2006-10-13
Total downloads: 2310
SHA 256 Checksum: 593f193c332355264c289ff2065ea2e91d1095888d50147a7fdee41fad058b9e
downloads takes no argument. It shows the total downloads of all Rubygems till date.
You can use the downloads method in the following way:
Total Rubygems Downloads till date: 5,709,711,396
usergems take one argument username/userID. It shows some information (total gems, gems, overall downloads, gem's latest version and overall downloads) about all the gems of a specified user.
You can use the usergems method in the following ways:
Example 1
Using Username
Result 1
Username: daffy
Total gems: 2
Gemname: ducks
Overall downloads: 483
latest version: 0.0.1
Latest version downloads: 483
Gemname: ducklings
Overall downloads: 1,443
latest version: 0.0.2
Latest version downloads: 493
Example 2
Using ID
Result 2
User ID : 12345
Total gems: 1
Gemname: ducks
Overall downloads: 203
latest version: 0.0.2
Latest version downloads: 100
owner takes one argument gemname. It displays some information (total gems, gems, overall downloads, gem's latest version and about all the gems of the specified user.
You can use the owner method in the following way:
Gemname: ducks
User ID: 12345
Username: daffy
Email Address: daffy@ducks.quack
search takes one to three arguments. The first and compulsory one being the query parameter. It also takes another optional argument being page number and a third being the amount of items to be displayed from a page. The default is 30 items.
Tip: The optional parameters helps you to refine your search result.
You can use the search method in the following ways:
Example 1
One argument"man")
Result 1
Gem Name: batman
Author: Bruce Wayne
Latest Version: 0.2.4
Total Downloads: 47,342
Gem Name: spiderman
Author: Peter Parker
Latest Version: 1.20.0
Total Downloads: 742,616
Gem Name: superman
Author: Clark Kent
Latest Version: 0.6.0
Total Downloads: 457,848
and so many more results
Example 2
Two arguments"at", 5)
opens page 5 of the search query result of "at"
Result 2
Gem Name: rat
Author: Jerry Mouse
Latest Version: 0.2.4
Total Downloads: 47,342
Gem Name: cat
Author: Tom Cat
Latest Version: 1.20.0
Total Downloads: 742,616
Gem Name: fat
Author: Humpty Dumpty
Latest Version: 0.6.0
Total Downloads: 457,848
and so many more results up to 30
Example 3
Three arguments"at", 5, 1)
opens page 5 of the search term "at"
Result 3
Gem Name: rat
Author: Jerry Mouse
Latest Version: 0.2.4
Total Downloads: 47,342
Shows the nth amount of items (argument three) of page 5. (In this case rat)
latestgems takes zero arguments but an optional argument(amount to show) can be passed to it. The default items to show is 50. It shows the latest gems on the Rubygems website.
Tip: The optional parameter helps you to refine your search result.
You can use the latestgems method in the following ways:
Example 1
No arguments
Result 1
Gem Name: newruby
Author: Ruby Miner
Latest Version: 0.1.0
Total Downloads: 4
Description: A simple Ruby miner who loves gems.
Gem Name:newgold
Author: Gold Digger
Latest Version: 1.0
Total Downloads: 10
Description: A simple gold digger who needs nothing but money.
Gem Name: newdiamond
Author: Diamond Thief
Latest Version: 0.0.3
Total Downloads: 17
Description: Gold gold and gold is precious
and so many more results --> Up to 50
Example 2
One argument
Shows only the first result
Result 2
Gem Name: newruby
Author: Ruby Miner
Latest Version: 0.1.0
Total Downloads: 4
Description: A simple Ruby miner who loves gems.
and so many more results
updatedgems takes zero arguments but an optional argument(amount to show) can be passed to it. The default items to show is 50. It shows the recently updated gems on the Rubygems website.
Tip: The optional parameter helps you to refine your search result.
You can use the updatedgems method in the following ways:
Example 1
No arguments
Result 1
Gem Name: newruby
Author: Ruby Miner
Latest Version: 0.1.1
Total Downloads: 4
Description: An update to a simple Ruby miner who loves gems.
Gem Name: newgold
Author: Gold Digger
Latest Version: 1.1
Total Downloads: 10
Description: An update to a simple gold digger who needs nothing but money.
Gem Name: newdiamond
Author: Diamond Thief
Latest Version: 0.1.3
Total Downloads: 17
Description: An update to Gold gold and gold is precious
and so many more results --> Up to 50
Example 2
One argument
Shows only the first result
Result 2
Gem Name: newruby
Author: Ruby Miner
Latest Version: 0.1.1
Total Downloads: 4
Description: An update to a simple Ruby miner who loves gems.
and so many more results
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
Copyright © 2015 Taiwo Kareem