!http://s.gravatar.com/images/logo.png(Gravatar Logo)!
h1. Gravatar Image Tag Plugin
Rails view helper for grabbing "Gravatar":http://en.gravatar.com/ images. The goal here is to be configurable and have those configuration points documented!
h2. Install as a Ruby Gem
h3. Rails 2
p. Include the following line in your Rails environment
# config/environment
config.gem 'gravatar_image_tag'
p. Then ensure the gem is installed by running the following rake task from the your application root.
rake gems:install
h3. Rails 3
p. Include the following line in your Rails environment
# Gemfile
gem 'gravatar_image_tag'
p. Then ensure the gem is installed by running the following command from the application root.
bundle install
h2. Install as a Ruby on Rails Plugin
./script/plugin install git://github.com/mdeering/gravatar_image_tag.git
h2. Usage
h3. Gravatar Image Tag
p. Once you have installed it as a plugin for your rails app usage is simple.
gravatar_image_tag('spam@spam.com'.gsub('spam', 'mdeering'), :alt => 'Michael Deering')
Boom here is my gravatar !http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4da9ad2bd4a2d1ce3c428e32c423588a(Michael Deering)!
h3. Gravatar Image URL
p. You can also return just the Gravatar URL:
gravatar_image_url('spam@spam.com'.gsub('spam', 'mdeering'), filetype: :png, rating: 'pg', size: 15, secure:false )
p. Useful when used in your inline CSS.
h2. Configuration
h3. Global configuration points
# config/initializers/gravatar_image_tag.rb
GravatarImageTag.configure do |config|
config.default_image = nil # Set this to use your own default gravatar image rather then serving up Gravatar's default image [ 'http://example.com/images/default_gravitar.jpg', :identicon, :monsterid, :wavatar, 404 ].
config.filetype = nil # Set this if you require a specific image file format ['gif', 'jpg' or 'png']. Gravatar's default is png
config.include_size_attributes = true # The height and width attributes of the generated img will be set to avoid page jitter as the gravatars load. Set to false to leave these attributes off.
config.rating = nil # Set this if you change the rating of the images that will be returned ['G', 'PG', 'R', 'X']. Gravatar's default is G
config.size = nil # Set this to globally set the size of the gravatar image returned (1..512). Gravatar's default is 80
config.secure = false # Set this to true if you require secure images on your pages.
h3. Setting the default image inline
p. Splat the default gravatar image !http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0c821f675f132d790b3f25e79da739a7(Default Gravatar Image)!
p. You can set the default gravatar image inline as follows:
gravatar_image_tag('junk', :alt => 'Github Default Gravatar', :gravatar => { :default => 'https://assets.github.com/images/gravatars/gravatar-140.png' })
p. Ka-Pow !https://assets.github.com/images/gravatars/gravatar-140.png(Github Default Gravatar)!
p. Other options supported besides an image url to fall back on include the following:
h3. Setting the default image size
p. You can set the gravatar image size inline as follows:
gravatar_image_tag('spam@spam.com'.gsub('spam', 'mdeering'), :alt => 'Michael Deering', :class => 'some-class', :gravatar => { :size => 15 })
Mini Me! !(some-class)http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4da9ad2bd4a2d1ce3c428e32c423588a?size=15(Michael Deering)!
h3. Grabbing gravatars from the secure gravatar server.
p. You can make a request for a gravatar from the secure server at https://secure.gravatar.com by passing the :gravatar => { :secure => true } option to the gravatar_image_tag call.
gravatar_image_tag('spam@spam.com'.gsub('spam', 'mdeering'), :alt => 'Michael Deering', :gravatar => { :secure => true } )
Delivered by a secure url! !https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/4da9ad2bd4a2d1ce3c428e32c423588a(Michael Deering)!
h3. Using Gravatar's built in rating system
p. You can set the gravatar rating inline as follows:
gravatar_image_tag('spam@spam.com'.gsub('spam', 'mdeering'), :alt => 'Michael Deering', :gravatar => { :rating => 'pg' } )
h3. Specifying a filetype
p. You can set the gravatar filetype inline as follows:
gravatar_image_tag('spam@spam.com'.gsub('spam', 'mdeering'), :alt => 'Michael Deering', :gravatar => { :filetype => :gif } )
h2. Credits
The ideas and methods for this plugin are from expanding upon my original blog post "Adding Gravatar To Your Website Or Blog (Gravatar Rails)":http://mdeering.com/posts/005-adding-gravitar-to-your-website-or-blog
Copyright (c) 2009-2010 "Michael Deering(Ruby on Rails Development Edmonton)":http://mdeering.com, released under the MIT license