Hoaxdb is a simple implementation of a database written in 100% pure ruby. It offers an interface to insert,update,query and delete records like any other databse but does not offer complex features of a database. You set specific data types for your fields and you can also have default values on top of that it validates the records you enter. In terms of queries you can choose specific fields, limits and also sort according to a specific field which can be ascending or descending. Queries are written using ruby hence no external knowledge is needed.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'hoaxdb'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install hoaxdb
Using the hoaxdb is very simple once you have installed it, the following are the basics:
Creating a table
require 'hoaxdb'
db = Hoaxdb.new('products.db')
Inserting a record
Updating a record
products.update('this["name"].eql? "Iphone"',{"quantity"=>200})
Selecting records
products.select_if('this["name"].eql? "Iphone"')
Deleting records
products.del_if('this["name"].eql? "Iphone"')
More information is available via rdoc when the gem is installed
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/njaneambrose/hoaxdb.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.