This is Ruby SDK for Hoiio API
Hoiio API is set of telephony API that integrate telephony services - phone calls, conference, IVR (Interactive Voice Responses), Fax and SMS - into your services and website easily.
Read the documentation at http://hoiio.readthedocs.org/
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'hoiio'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install hoiio
Getting Started With Hoiio Ruby Gem
require 'hoiio'
app_id = ''
access_token = ''
@client = Hoiio::Client.new app_id, access_token
After a @client object has been created, app_id and access_token are cached and used for subsequent API calls.
Normally, app_id won't change, but you can modify the client's access_token by reassigning it to a new one.
All API's URI specified in Hoiio Developer's website are included in this SDK and can be accessed
For example, @client.sms will make all SMS APIs with the same name available, i.e: @client.sms.send will call /sms/send,
@client.sms.query_status will fire a request to /sms/query_status (as specified here).
Send an SMS
:dest => '+6591234567',
:msg => 'Hello Steve',
:notify_url => 'http://dev.example.com/sms/notify'
Make a call
:dest2 => '+6591234567',
:caller_id => 'private'
API References
Visit our API site to learn more about our powerful communication API.